Book #15 & #16

Mar 02, 2012 07:07

Title : Dearest Mary Jane
Author : Betty Neels
Genre : Romance
My rating : 4/5
Teaser :

"Would you like me for a brother-in-law, Mary Jane?"
She wouldn't like him for a brother-in-law -- she would like him for a husband! But why should she suddenly discover this now of all times, sitting opposite him, being cross-examined as though she were in a witness-box . . .and fighting an urge to fling her arms around his neck and tell him that she loved him? "Yes, oh yes, that would be delightful."

I always love Betty Neels. She always writes gentle and sweet romance. But I don't recommend you to read her works too many in a row because there's a chance that you might get bored eventually. Because Neels always wrote about a relationship between Dutch men (usually in medical profession) and  gentle, quiet and plain looking young women (often working as nurses). I guess it's because she herself was married to a Dutch and used to work as a nurse. So you see the connection. Therefore, her works are great to serve as stress-relief, maybe after reading a heavy and serious book or just to calm yourself and feel relax. But don't read it in a marathon.

Title : Bath Tangle
Author : Georgette Heyer
Genre : Regency Romance
My rating : 4/5
Summary :

A Delightful Tangle of Affairs...
The Earl of Spenborough had always been noted for his eccentricity. Leaving a widow younger than his own daughter Serena was one thing, but leaving his fortune to the trusteeship of the Marquis of Rotherham - the one man the same daughter had jilted - was quite another.

When Serena and her lovely young stepmother Fanny decide to move to Bath, Serena makes an odd new friend and discovers an old love. Before long, they're all entangled in a clutter of marriage and manners the likes of which even Regency Bath has rarely seen.

I discovered Heyer last year and so in love with her works that I'm in a frenzy and succeeded in a Heyer reading marathon. But it's a sad thing that I have less and less of her works for future reading since I've read most of her popular titles. But no one can say I can't read them again this year. Hehe... I love Bath Tangle but it's not one of my favourites. It's definitely in my second favourites list though. I adore Serena and her strong and independent character. I also love Ivo Barrasford's character but disappointed that Heyer wrote so little through his POV in the book. I would love to glimpse more on the workings of Ivo's mind and heart. But I guess it's essential to keep his side of the story in a mystery since it played a significant role in the ending. Heyer is indeed gifted in writing witty words and engaging characters.

xposted in 50bookchallenge

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