MOST SHOCKING BREAKUP: Nine Inch Nails stop touring
Does this really count? Band breakups can be disappointing or disheartening, but are any of them really that shocking? This one kind of was because, well, Nine Inch Nails was a one-man group (with rotating tour members who come and go). Why would Trent Reznor
put the Nine Inch Nails moniker out to pasture? Dwindling quality, sales and interest or was it Reznor’s increasingly erratic (and humorous) behavior with a series of stunts including a hilarious April Fools Joke that promised a team-up with Timbaland and a song called “Even Closer” featuring Justin Timberlake, paradoxical (or just contradictory) message board announcements, and entertaining if ultimately silly Twitter posts? Or was he just sick of that pretty hate music machine? Either way, while Reznor will no doubt continue writing and recording music, the thought that we’ll never get to hear the NIN classics on stage ever again is truly disheartening (and, yes, a little shocking).