The Spiral: Trent's posts [part 3]

Apr 29, 2008 02:09

December 22nd, 2006: Closure DVD - [discusiion and information]

Re: Closure DVD - discussion and information

Try using Transmission for a Mac torrent client.

February 19th, 2007: Me, I'm Not: new song download [found in washroom at Barcelona show]

Re: Me, I'm Not: new song download [found in washroom at Barcelona show]


NIN beside KMFDM

You: go fuck yourself. Now. The day I steal something from KMFD-Fucking-M is a sad fucking day indeed. Call up Sasha and have him sue me if you feel that strongly about it, meanwhile let everyone have some goddamned fun without you pissing on the parade.

March 22nd, 2007: Responses From Trent

Re: Responses From Trent

Originally Posted by BathedInBlood
Year Zero and it's entire concept, including the websites involved, the distribution of "leaked" material, the storyline, the code-breaking, and the use of many facets of technology in it's delivery are absolutely brilliant - where did you come up with the idea for such a project?I came up with the concept, then Rob Sheridan and I sat and brainstormed fleshing it out for a few weeks into a detailed document. We then searched out and met with a company (42 Entertainment) that could help us execute our vision of how it would be presented to you. They are the smartest most creative group of people I've ever worked with and embellished our ideas in ways we couldn't have done on our own.

Originally Posted by bashavustaj

trent i love all the leaks but i wanted to know if you cried while recording 'in this twilight' cause it sure tore me up.i had to stop listening to compose myself.

and thanks for all you do.

*big fat bear hugs and kisses*

Big boys don't cry.

Originally Posted by leo3375
1. Will "Not So Pretty Now" and "Non-Entity" be commercially released?Most likely. After the next record I am out of my contract with Interscope aside from a greatest hits whatever, so I'm sure at some point they will scour the archives for tracks like these. I have no plans to incorporate them into any new real record, though.

Originally Posted by leo3375
2. Do you plan on doing another album like Still?I'd like to do a proper record of new material in a similar format at some point.

Originally Posted by leo3375
3. Should I upgrade to a 17" MacBook Pro?Yes!

Originally Posted by The_Foofy
when you decide to tour the US to support Year Zero will the band line up be the same that you have now?I have no reason to think it would change at the moment, but when that time comes I will address.

Originally Posted by The_Foofy
and other bandmember's projects such as Jeordie's Goon Moon and Alessandro's Modwheelmood, have you listened to the music? and Do you like what they've done?I have listened to them and enjoy them both. It's always weird when you know somebody and then hear their own music. I was surprised by both in a good way (that doesn't mean I expected them to be bad - you know what I mean).

Originally Posted by mslucyfur
Trent, you were amazing at the Bridge School Benefit. Did you enjoy playing with such a diverse group of musicians? And would you do a show like that again?Thank you, and yes I would. Meeting Neil Young was a great honor for me and I was proud to be involved. I was slightly terrified but glad I did it.

Originally Posted by roobster
pd: i know there's a lot going on with NIN right now and your focused on YZ... but now that the setlist are changing from night to night you should release some soundboard bootlegs...especially with this band (best nin live band imo). i assure you that if you release them online for $10 to 20 a lot of pepole will pay for them.Good old Interscope said no. One more record and I'm free to do the many things they are too behind the times to accommodate.

Originally Posted by taylor9
Trent: With the approach you've taken with YZ, do you see yourself one day working exclusively WITHOUT a record company. For example, releasing music via the internet, (or other methods) and promoting yourself primarily by touring? It appears this current method could reduce the need for the industry involvement and free the artist to explore and create as he wishes without regard for commercial viability. Any thoughts or comments?Certainly. The entire industry is in flux at the moment, so it's hard to say what would be ideal for NIN as the state of things changes very quickly. I can say with absolute confidence that I would never enter into another one-sided arrangement with a record company again.

Originally Posted by j_kad
Have you been surprised with how fast/slow "we" (as in not really me, but those other crazy fans out there) have been figuring out this Year Zero stuff?? do you increase/decrease the difficulty of the clues based on how quickly "we" figure each one out?? is it fun to read "our" ridiculous theories on the whole concept??Yes, you are clever little buggers out there. It's been great fun watching this all unfold and we're all quite impressed. The funny thing is, we'll watch you collectively instantly solve puzzles we thought were hard while the "easy" ones get you tripped up.

Originally Posted by trent_reznor
A couple of answers to questions not asked:For the record, I don't support (and never have) the idea of the multi-part single (see the UK for details). They feel like a rip-off to me and Survivalism was done without my consent.

How record can labels fuck things up, part 776:
The "thermo-chrome" details being discussed a month before the record comes out. If you know what I'm talking about, great - if not, I'm not going to call more attention to it.
We came up with that idea as something that would be cool to experience as the consumer. The label blabs about it way ahead of it coming out as a marketing gimmick. "Put a big sticker on the front advertising it!" No. This was meant to be experienced and discovered - not announced ahead of time and ruined. This is the reason nobody at the label knew anything about the ARG (for lack of a better word) before it started - and they still don't know anything about the contents or what's coming. We would have had people discussing "make sure to go see the mural in London coming next week" type shit.
They just don't get it. They sell plastic discs.

Originally Posted by fustratedproductions
Do you get time to watch any movies while on tour? 
What are your favorite films?Yes, we tend to spend bus rides watching various films, etc. I have many favorites but I can't recommend "Children of Men" enough. I saw it in LA before I left two days in a row - blew me away. Lots of similar themes as Year Zero and the art direction felt like it came out of my head. If you haven't seen this film go check it out.

Originally Posted by Becizzle
"This is not a particularly friendly record and it certainly doesn't sound like anything else out there right now."
"By FAR this is the most ambitious multi-faceted project I've ever undertaken."

Even after you said this....I was still not prepared for the creative and consuming Year_Zero project. Thanks for "easing" us into it.

Now after getting a taste of Year_Zero the art form, and part of the album, I can't help but wonder how and when the inspiration struck you to create this future world? I'm sure you probably want everyone to take whatever they want from the Year_Zero experience but if you could maybe shed some light on what you would "like" people to feel or think after hearing the record and experiencing everything you have to offer from your Year_Zero project? Is it a call for more activism to keep humanity (America) from ever reaching that reality?One of the things that's most exciting to me about this project is the idea that entertainment can be used proactively to create awareness. Awareness is my pretentious moral agenda aside from making the best music I can. If a handful of people get into this project and come out the other side paying a little more attention to what is happening all around them right now - mission accomplished.

Originally Posted by fakeplastic_love
I'm sure this is not the top of your concerns, but how is Interscope reacting to all of the tracks being "leaked"? What was their reaction to the idea of setting up the whole Year Zero experience? As an avid fan of "Lost", I've noticed that the Year Zero experience is very similar to The Lost Experience. Did you get the idea from that?I am a big fan of Lost, although I think this season has really sucked. I am aware of the Lost Experience but only in passing. My main inspiration is this: 
This is also where Lost got the idea.

Originally Posted by sorrow
Hi Trent,

I'm just wondering what your stance and / or thoughts are on the RIAA, DRM, and the current state of copyright issues regarding music sales and use.

Cheers for all of the amazing music you have provided us with throughout the years.
I've come up with an equation on that topic. 
RIAA = shite
DRM = shite

Originally Posted by mikdrakon
trent, are you ever going to answer questions here again?yes.

August 22nd, 2007:2007_08_21 - Edinburgh, Scotland [Meadowbank Sports Centre]

Re: 08_21_2007 - Edinburgh, Scotland [Meadowbank Sports Centre]

This bill won't happen again. We're friends with the Foos and appreciate the offer but their audience (over here at least) is vastly different. We knew we weren't going to make an impact on the masses so we played what we wanted to. It wasn't a NIN show, we were unable to use our production and it wasn't very fun for us.

August 25th, 2007:2007_08_24 - Leeds, UK [Leeds Festival]

Re: Leeds

Good god-
There's no spat with the Smashing Pumpkins - simply NME looking for a headline!

September 7th, 2007: Primarily for those outside the US

Primarily for those outside the US:

I'm interested in where you get your music news, reviews, etc and find out about new stuff - particularly blogs and the like. Would you mind posting your faves and why please? Also, where you are would be good.



the spiral, nine inch nails, trent reznor

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