The Spiral: Rob's posts [part 14]

Apr 27, 2008 17:15

September 29th, 2006: Beside You In Time - [discussion and information]

Re: beside you in time - live dvd

>Would you consider adding a lossless stereo track?

I think at this point it's a space issue on the discs. We have to have Dolby stereo for compatibility, and most people who have the equipment to take advantage of lossless audio want it in 5.1. That takes up quite a bit of space on the disc, so we're not left with much room for lossless stereo. At least, that's how it is right now. You could just listen to the lossless 5.1 as a stereo downmix - although that's not exactly ideal.

September 29th, 2006: 8 Months and no T-Shirt/Membership Package

Re: 8 Months and no T-Shirt/Membership Package

I'm being told that the membership and welcome kit data is currently being transfered to SparkArt (the new fanclub company), and that anyone who hasn't yet received their kits should contact customer support and give them as much information as possible. Between SparkArt and NIN management, it's a top priority that the welcome kit fiasco get rectified as soon as possible - at the moment things are being transferred, but they're keeping track of who still needs help, so reach out to them.

September 29th, 2006: Help Me! They Have Changed My Name!

Re: Help Me! They Have Changed My Name!

It's probably a database error from importing the user information from MusicToday. Because of the different way the new system handles usernames, there were some hiccups here and there. Please contact customer support at They should be able to help you out.

September 29th, 2006: Help Me! They Have Changed My Name!

>it was you miss hazy? Thank you! Perfect. doodle is perfect.

That probably only changed it on the boards - if it's showing up as something different on the main site (i.e. your blog/profile), contact SparkArt.

September 30th, 2006: Beside You In Time - [discussion and information]

Re: beside you in time - live dvd

>We will have to choose between two different DVD packages like AATCHB?

No, this time both Dolby 5.1 and DTS 5.1 will be on the same disc.

September 30th, 2006: Questions for Rob Sheridan

Re: Questions for Rob Sheridan

>I know this has been asked elsewhere, but I haven't seen an answer.

Rob, are you going to the Bridge School Benefit? And, will you be taking pictures for us? Please please please

I think I'm going to drive up there and check it out, because it sounds cool, and of course I'll post pictures here.

September 30th, 2006: Questions for Rob Sheridan

Re: Questions for Rob Sheridan

>So - If we upgrade our membership to Premium, does our year start over, or do we still have to pay again at our original renewal date?

That's a damned good question. I'm going to guess it doesn't start your year over again, but I really don't know. Ask customer support.

October 2nd, 2006: Read This Before Posting A Question Here!

Read This Before Posting A Question Here!

If you're having problems with the site, or with your membership or account, the first place you should go is The FAQ. If your question is not addressed there, then please contact Customer Support. SparkArt customer support does not respond to questions in this forum, you need to contact them through the Customer Support form.

This forum is here because inevitably people are still going to post questions, and those questions need a place to live. If you post here please understand that very likely other members and moderators will try to help you, but there is no guarantee your question will be answered, and it will definitely not be answered by an official technical support presence. Once again, please try Customer Support and use this forum only to seek advice from other members.

October 2nd, 2006: NEW Spiral Welcome Packages Poll

Re: NEW Spiral Welcome Packages Poll

To anyone who still hasn't received their welcome kits:

Now that The Spiral has moved, all of the user data from MusicToday is in transit and the new fanclub team is currently sorting through the people who haven't received their kits. If you are still missing your kit, please contact SparkArt and give them as many details as possible. It may take a little bit as the move is still being completed, but both NIN management and SparkArt are committed to rectifying the welcome kit fiasco, and making sure everyone whose kit hasn't arrived is taken care of.

I'm going to close this thread now, since the poll is irrelevant. If you want to continue discussing missing welcome kits, start a new thread about it and repost the information from this post.

October 4th, 2006: Custom icons and titles!

Custom icons and titles!!

Hey guys, check out the new NIN/Spiral custom post icons available when you post or in your post as smilies!



Also, you can all now have your own custom user titles, instead of it always saying "Member." Check your "edit profile" options and you'll see it.

Aaaaand, I'm working on a new set of custom smilies to replace the little square heads.

October 4th, 2006: Custom icons and titles!

Custom icons and titles!!

There are lots of little improvements and new features on the agenda, but I can't quite say just yet.

In the meantime, also enjoy the inverted NIN logo, which is a little better suited to the dark background: 


October 4th, 2006: Custom icons and titles!

Custom icons and titles!!

Okay, upgraded smilies are here. There is a set of traditional smilies (although appropriately gray).

And a set of oldschool computer smilies.

The latter set can be accessed by clicking the nearly-invisible (I'll have them fix that) "More" link underneath the smilies bar to the right of your post window, or by clicking "Show all smilies" on the smilies pull-down above your post window. The keyboard shortcuts for the oldschool smilies are just doubling-up regular smilies. So a smile would be two colons and two parentheses.

October 22nd, 2006: Tour Photos and Video

Re: Tour Photos and Video

A photo from Trent's performance at the Bridge School benefit will be appearing any second on And here are some more:

More tomorrow!

October 22nd, 2006: Mountain View - 10_21_22_2006 [Shoreline Amphiteathre]

Re: Mountain View, CA - 10_21_22_2006 [Shoreline Amphitheatre]

Photos from today's show are up on and on The Spiral here. More tomorrow!

October 22nd, 2006: Tour Photos and Video

Re: Tour Photos and Video

>well that only took 5 seconds for a spiraler to post the spiralpics elsewhere online...

It's always nice to see people who have paid to join The Spiral actively devaluing it for themselves and others. Brilliant.

October 22nd, 2006: Tour Photos and Video

Re: Tour Photos and Video

Another one from yesterday:

October 24th, 2006: Tour Photos and Video

Re: Tour Photos and Video

Pics from yesterday's Bridge School performance (there's one on as well):

November 6th, 2006: Responses From Trent

Re: Responses From Trent

Regarding differences between the DVD / Blu-Ray / HD-DVD versions of the disc mentioned in Trent's post above:

There are no differences in content between the three - they all have the same stuff on them. However, there will be subtle technical and functional differences which will be explained in detail in the DVD FAQ to be posted closer to the release date. Stay tuned.

December 6th, 2006: NINtendo Wii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiii iiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

Re: Nintendo Wii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiii iiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

Alessandro kicked my ass at Wii Sports, and then rubbed it in my face. I'm never inviting him over again.

I've barely been getting any sleep thanks to Zelda. I finished working at around 10 last night and then played Zelda until 5am. It's so good it hurts. It's the best game in the history of the universe. I want to make babies with it.

EDIT: gunr, I've already hit a couple people in the face with Wiimotes, but haven't let one fly yet. It came close the other night, there was some violent tennis playing. Check out, it catalogs various damage incurred by flying Wiimotes.

December 6th, 2006: NINtendo Wii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiii iiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

Re: Nintendo Wii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiii iiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

>Please do not ever quote that frightening image again. I'm still counting on my friends picking up a wii, so I can steal it at all times.

You think that one's frightening? Try this Mario.

December 8th, 2006: SPIRAL EXCLUSIVE: Full BYIT DVD Info


This will be going up on late tonight - for now, please try to keep this on The Spiral so it's exclusive for a little while:

Nine Inch Nails Live: Beside You In Time [Halo 22]

North American Winter Tour 2006:

1. Love Is Not Enough
2. You Know What You Are?
3. Terrible Lie
4. The Line Begins To Blur
5. March Of The Pigs
6. Something I Can Never Have
7. Closer
8. Burn
9. Gave Up
10. Eraser*
11. Right Where It Belongs*
12. Beside You In Time*
13. With Teeth
14. Wish
15. Only
16. The Big Come Down
17. Hurt
18. The Hand That Feeds
19. Head Like A Hole

*includes alternate angle

Additional Content:

North American Summer Tour 2006:

1. Somewhat Damaged
2. Closer
3. Help Me I Am In Hell
4. Non-Entity
5. Only

- The Hand That Feeds music video
- Only music video
- Love Is Not Enough live @ rehearsals 2005
- Every Day Is Exactly The Same live @ rehearsals 2005
- The Collector live @ rehearsals 2005
- image gallery

DVD, HD-DVD, and Blu-Ray in stores 2_27_07.

December 8th, 2006: SPIRAL EXCLUSIVE: Full BYIT DVD Info


Before someone asks: I don't have any info on international release yet - I'll post it when I find out the details.

December 8th, 2006: SPIRAL EXCLUSIVE: Full BYIT DVD Info


Full technical specs for all three formats will be detailed soon.

The summer stuff was shot sporadically with home video cameras (consumer HD cameras) from Hartford to Mountain View, and is cut together AATCHB-style with shots from many different shows. It is far more raw than the slick, high-def production of the Winter tour feature, partially because the consumer HD cameras didn't take very well to the NIN lighting assault, and created a great deal of compression artifacts in the footage. This is not something you will really notice if you're watching the standard DVD on a standard TV. On the HD formats though, you'll see a considerable quality difference between the Winter and Summer footage. Still, we felt it was worth including, and it has an interestingly different feel to it than the main feature.

Also: The two music videos and the live stuff from rehearsals are in standard definition with 4x3 aspect ratio, even on the high-def discs. This is because that material only ever existed in standard definition. It all still manages to look pretty good on an HDTV though.

December 8th, 2006: SPIRAL EXCLUSIVE: Full BYIT DVD Info


>Has anyone found out yet if the parental advisory thing is going to be a sticker or permanent fixture on the case?

Permanent fixture - hence why it's shown here. It is an IDIOTIC and unfortunately unavoidable record company policy that the PA logo has to be printed on the actual cover. Similarly, a big stupid FBI warning logo has to be printed on the back, as you saw on With Teeth. Thank God, though, thanks to that scary FBI warning, no one pirated With Teeth! Phew! It was all worth it!

December 8th, 2006: SPIRAL EXCLUSIVE: Full BYIT DVD Info


>I do like ItsJustDave's idea, a nice little Bridge School dvd or the radio sessions would be awesome.

Unfortunately, releasing anything with music on it - even for free to The Spiral - gets into all kinds of hang-ups with the record label, who owns the music. There usually ends up being too much red tape for it to be feasible. And Bridge School recordings are owned by Bridge School, and the radio sessions have other artists who need to be cleared on top of record company rights, etc etc. That's why we make stuff available for download, and you don't see any Spiral or web exclusive CD or DVD releases. I'm not saying it will never happen, but it hasn't happened thus far because of legal issues. Hopefully there will be some cool Spiral-exclusive downloads in the near future though.

December 9th, 2006: SPIRAL EXCLUSIVE: Full BYIT DVD Info


This question was asked via PM so I want to clarify:

There are separate 5.1 and stereo mixes on all three formats. Trent is, rightfully, not a fan of downmixed 5.1 audio for his music, since it throws off the balance of the mix. So a stereo mix was done by Dave Ogilvie, and a 5.1 mix was done by a very well-known surround mixer named Elliot Scheiner. The disc defaults to 5.1 as the audio selection, so if you only have two speakers make sure to select the stereo audio in the disc settings for a proper presentation.

the spiral, nine inch nails, trent reznor, rob sheridan

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