The Spiral: Rob's posts [part 10]

Apr 27, 2008 14:07

June 16th, 2006: FRC Day of Show summer tour pics

>My photo just arrived today, so it took 13 days to get here (from Illinois to Washington). It came in a paper envelope inside the USPS mailer, and there was a piece of cardboard inside to keep it from bending. The photo is printed on Fujicolor Professional Paper, and is glossy with a very slight texture (not like the glossy paper that I print photos from my printer on). I'm not a photo expert, but it seems to be a high quality print. The image quality is perfect, and I'm very happy with it. I would say that it's worth the money if you're interested in getting one.

Good to hear. I haven't actually seen any of the prints yet from the photos that have been posted - just a couple samples from before the tour, which looked great.

June 16th, 2006: FRC Day of Show summer tour pics

>Rob-- I had PM'd you this question but I haven't gotten a replyl, so I figured I could post it in here...

Could you tell me how long the pictures are going to be up for purchase? For example, I was at the Atlanta and Charlotte shows, but I do not have the funds that I need at the time, so I was wondering how long I have to purchase a photo before they are removed. Any idea?

No idea. They're saying they're only offering them for a limited time, but I'm not sure what that means. You should e-mail FRC.

June 18th, 2006: FRC Day of Show summer tour pics

In case anyone's wondering why there are only two photos up from the Holmdel show on FRC, it's because my memory card with all of the photos I took that night decided to die out on me before I could load them onto my computer. It's completely fried. The two that were posted were from a handful I had taken during the last two minutes of the show on a different memory card. Better than nothing, I suppose. I'm going to send the card into a data restoration place, and if it's successful, you can expect to see more pics from that show surface down the road. I think they were really rad photos, too. Lame.

June 19th, 2006: 2006_06_26 - Holmdel, NJ [PNC Arts Center]

>none from last night,either. Rob must have his hands full.

See my post in the FRC thread in the tour forum.

June 19th, 2006: FRC Day of Show summer tour pics

>did you try any of the recovery programs?

like this

Yeah, the issue is the mechanics of the drive, it's fucked and the computer or camera won't recognize that it exists. I fought with drive repair programs and such all day yesterday, to no avail.

June 19th, 2006: FRC Day of Show summer tour pics

>Ah! That sucks... How many gigabytes? if you don't mind me asking.

I have... er, HAD, a 6gb card. I got a new one today.

June 24th, 2006: Tour Photos and Video

Photo flood! Here's Camden, NJ, starting with Trent's look of death as he's yelling at the spitting audience member:

June 24th, 2006: Tour Photos and Video

More Camden:

June 24th, 2006: Tour Photos and Video

Lawn Guy Land, Noo Yawk:

June 24th, 2006: Tour Photos and Video

More Long Island:

June 24th, 2006: Tour Photos and Video


June 24th, 2006: Tour Photos and Video


June 24th, 2006: Tour Photos and Video

>Rob thanks for the new photos.

Any update on the Holmdel (NJ) pictures, were they recovered?

Not yet. I sent them in to a guy who *might* be able to fix the drive and recover them, but I'm not holding my breath.

June 25th, 2006: Bug Report Thread Bug Report Thread

Hey everyone -

I usually update in a frantic hurry, often without time to properly check it over for errors. So I figured maybe you guys could help out by posting in this thread any time you see a fuck-up on - broken links, type-os, things that display weird, etc. I'll check this thread from time to time to see if there's been anything I haven't caught as I update the site.

PLEASE keep this thread clean - no chatter, no suggestions for the site, no technical questions, etc - JUST bugs that need fixing. The cleaner it is, the easier for me to look through and identify things that need to be addressed. Mods - please delete any extraneous posts in this thread.

NOTE: This is for only, NOT for The Spiral. I don't have control over The Spiral website, any bug reports for should be sent to MusicToday.

Thanks everyone!

June 25th, 2006: Bug Report Thread

>This is a bug to me.

I come to on IE. After I click to get in the site and I have the map, I have to click whatever destination twice. I don't mean double click. I mean I click it, then the map appears again. I have to scroll down using the sidebar, then click it again to get where I want to go.

There's a patch available for IE that'll fix that problem - you can find it right here.

Fuck, here I am trying to be a smart-ass and I'm breaking my own rule.

June 26th, 2006: Bug Report Thread

>Using the menu on top with this page

Every link I click (performance, downloads, access, etc.) says "there is nothing here"

The only one that works is the merch page.

I'm running windows XP and using firefox, if that info's needed.

Ah, that's the type of thing I fuck up and then don't notice for weeks. Fixing it right now. I think I'm in love with this thread.

June 26th, 2006: Bug Report Thread

>The video for witt does not work. I am running latest version of osx and latest safari.

EDIT: I'm starting to think this is my problem because all of the videos in the promotional section don't work.

No, it's not you. I figured out what it is - Interscope implemented this idiotic registration thing you have to do before you can access video content. The problem is, it only comes up when you try to load the movie files directly - so I have to talk to them about how to incorporate it into the site. Because God forbid anyone be able to watch music videos without selling their soul to Universal Music Group.

July 1st, 2006: Holies Discussion Thread

It's Meathead's birthday roast. Enjoy.

July 7th, 2006: Lithograph Question

No, they are not true lithos.

The original intention was to do true lithos - hence the three-color theme of the first set from the club tour.

The Fresno-Reno-Davis poster was a litho print, and the London Astoria was a litho print. Everything after that was printed using an extremely high quality 4-color process.

Although lithos look cool and enhance the limited-edition feel of the poster, we found that getting them to come out looking the way we wanted them to look was an extremely difficult process, involving a lot of test prints and such. The printer we were working with kept misfiring - colors were way off, and the tiny details of the pixelization were lost. It was clear that the lithographic process was not exactly suited to the type of fine detail we were looking for - and it was putting us behind schedule (the F-R-D poster still doesn't look the way I'd envisioned it). So we got some samples of the posters done by a different printer using a 4-color process. They looked absolutely amazing, and were dead-on to the way I'd designed them without even having to see a proof. So, we opted for the 4-color process, sacrificing that "authentic art print" feel for what was ultimately a better quality product, and much less of a headache on my end. So, for the collectors out there, that makes the first couple posters particularly unique.

July 7th, 2006: Tour Photos and Video

Long overdue picture flood. Starting with Portland:

July 7th, 2006: Tour Photos and Video

More Portland:

July 7th, 2006: Tour Photos and Video


July 7th, 2006: Tour Photos and Video


July 7th, 2006: Tour Photos and Video


July 7th, 2006: Tour Photos and Video


July 7th, 2006: Tour Photos and Video


July 7th, 2006: Tour Photos and Video

More Columbus:

July 7th, 2006: Tour Photos and Video

That's it for now. I'll finish out the rest in a couple days.

the spiral, nine inch nails, trent reznor, rob sheridan

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