Mar 15, 2006 19:33
What the crap?!! My parents make me so upset sometimes! Tuition is due today right? Right. So as of Sunday my parents were paying the bill. Today, my Dad e-mails me and says they're not paying the bill and I need to get a loan. Um, maybe they could have let me in on this several weeks ago. It takes several weeks for them to disperse a loan and I still have to sign all the papers and what not as well. I am so sick of their mind games. I do what they ask of me so why do they have to be so disrespectful of me? I'm pissed!!!! And about to cry. I still have to write a mid-term and work. I really don't need this added stress. I want to know why God? Why do they have to be so difficult? It thought that we were doing so well. I am sick of them! Don't get me wrong, I can take the loan, the world won't end, I guess the worst that can happen is my payment is late. I'm just sick of thier stupid head games. My dad was like I've been thinking about this for some time and I just can't help anymore. FINE!!!! Thats not the issue. The issue is that I've been talking to him since feb. 21. If he had told me then I would not be stressed out like this. There is absolutely no reason that their should be a problem.
I'm getting myself too worked up, I need to go. Thank God I am not going to be home for break! I would probably blow all the hard work I've made. I need to call him but I know that I will only blow up so I probably shouldn't do that now either. Screw them. I quite!