Feb 21, 2005 11:39
Ew, it's monday...again. You'd think that after knowing the days of the week repeat themselves and that Monday's are just generally not good days that I'd have prepared some sort of "anti-monday mental defense"...
Silly Anna, brains are for people other than you. Anyways, just kind of relaxing in the media center right now, trying to collect my thoughts and feel better. It's nice to just sit in a calm quiet place and ignore the day for a little bit. Helps the headache too.
Being back in school again is nice to see people, but I feel like someone's taken a copy of my huge-ass AP Bio book and slammed me in the head a few times. Teachers are just throwing things at us as quickly as they can because we're seniors and "We're running out of time!" Oh, and here's a plus to the day: I just found out I have an AP English mock exam this Thursday. A big "WTF?" to that, on top of a serious case of the nervous jittery-ness that comes with AP tests. ><
Got to hang out with JP though before the end of break, and that was Awesome with a capital "A". She called and we talked on the phone for a little bit about everything and nothing all at once (lol, little Matt's and JP, the wonder lobster) before going "Hey! Let's go do something!" We ended up first headin' off to National for some food and gossip/catching up, and the waitress was cracked me up. Especially when she patted JP on the shoulder where her sunburn was. I had to try not to laugh when JP smiled, trying not to cringe as the lady was like "You girls okay over here? If you need anything, just let me know huns!" After that it was Caribou time (Starshmucks still gets the gold star in my book!) and we quoted Foamy all the way (Foamy: "I am a trendy individual, loved by all and accepted by the coffee house illuminati!") just for laughs. ^^ Saw the movie Hitch at Star John R too, which was a cute movie. Normally not a big chick flick person, but it was fun--mainly when JP and I just acted really silly (driving home singing along to "I will survive" and rap songs I know but really should't b/c rap is Satan? Yeeeeah, lol. Remember JP, that goes on the "QT...or...DL..."). *HUGS* for JP! You have to come see me at lunch, btw! It'll be a fiesta of fun. ^^
Um, ran a lot of errands on Sunday, going to Lens Crafters, Best Buy and then Miranda and Julie's house to drop off some stuff (wheeeee for driving in blizzard-like conditions! lol, reminds me of all the mornings Taylor and I had fun driving to school in the snow..."BUMPER-CURB! Yaaaaay!"). Oooh yeah, got my color contacts in too, which I like very much! ^^ W00T for spiffy eye colors!
Now just to make it through the rest of the week...o_O
Oy vey...