(no subject)

Jul 16, 2010 00:01

  • 03:37 You may be doing battle with yourself today as the narrowly fo... More for Gemini twittascope.com/?sign=3 #
  • 09:46 NO! I said HONK the horn! bit.ly/arVRsp #
  • 09:56 @ AdamAleksander I am whenever you want, just drop me a line! ;-) #
  • 10:43 @ kittenwithawhip let's go! popcandy

    The Krispy Kreme Cheerwine doughnut sounds worthy of a road trip to N.C. bit.ly/cpLWdY #
  • 10:50 Keep reminding yourself you don't know anyone on the interwebs. #
  • 11:52 @ kittenwithawhip I stay in our proverbial backyard at Peter Pan then. We should brunch/coffee some day. #
  • 12:58 Some days NYC is a really small town. #
  • 15:15 @ SharonPaige My brain hurts. what is the typetypety sound I keep hearing? #
  • 15:29 @ crushjunky Okay: I never liked Hemingway. The End. #
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