Jul 06, 2010 01:01
- 02:40 Today may bring more fun than you expect, even if there's a lo... More for Gemini twittascope.com/?sign=3 #
- 11:26 @ minskysisters Happy Minsk-a-versary! #
- 11:27 Too much party. Today is all TCB. #
- 11:47 Dead Kennedys are purging the poison from my body! #
- 12:22 A republic for the puppies, of the puppies and by the puppies! www.stuffonmywiener.com/2608 #
- 12:31 @ nasty_canasta That snake will have a book deal soon enough. Mark my words: everyone on the interwebs gets a book. #
- 12:33 Does anyone know whatever happened to The Plugz. They rocked. Si? #
- 15:52 No time for a mani/pedi pre-gym. It will have to wait until Friday. Curse being so high maintenance and over-worked! #