Feb 19, 2006 13:59
there are just too many fucking rules. oh, heres a giuant screen TV right in your living room, but nooo you cant use it, thats FORBIDEN! Oh yeah, you got your liscence what, three months ago, and youve been driving for nearly a year now? Well of course we're not going to let you drive alone, that could be DANGEROUS! So you have your liscence, AND acsess to a car every morning, but are we going to let you drive to school instead of taking the godforsaken bus? Well, no, we're not. We'd rather have you sit on the bus for HALF AN HOUR getting bus sick for NO REASON when you could drive to school in FIVE minutes! And sure honey, we want you to have a job, actually, we threatened you to get a job LAST summer. But are we going to actually give you the money that you earn? Nahh, were gonna put it on a debit card that were not going to give you, because we dont think that you spend YOUR money RESPONSIBLY.
oye freaking vey! parents. that was a little rant, cuz im getting sick of all the rules in my house. but im ognna go now, because i think my dad might have just caved... laterz