A Few Simple Writing Tips

Mar 11, 2011 15:02

I don't consider myself some kind of sage of literature, but I think that these are simply a few good tips for anyone who wants to enrich their writing style and help it grow.

1. Research

I cannot stress the importance of this enough. If you're going to use terms or areas of study that you are unfamiliar with, than look into it first. One little interesting fact can really make a story. Not only do these facts make you sound intelligent (medical terminology always makes me feel smart!) but they make the story more realistic and believable.

I'm not saying to lay the job-specific jargon on thick, of course. You have to remember that the people that are you general audience most likely don't know what you're talking about and so if there is too much that it becomes confusing than they will stop reading. Still, a little research, when used correctly, goes a long way.

2. Write from a completely different perspective than your own

This is a hard one, because we all have opinions and beliefs and when we write, we often use our words as a vehicle to share our opinions with the world. There is nothing wrong with that. That is literature in its most base form. But in order to expand your horizons, to grow as a writer (and maybe a human being too) I think that this writing style is imperative.

Find something you're uncomfortable with, something that you don't agree with (a belief, a way of life, etc) and write from that perspective. And if you're a decent writer already or at the very least understand decent literature, than you know that you have to do research. *looks up at tip #1* While doing this research, you suddenly begin to understand what you "disagree with".

I'll give you an example. Christianity. I wouldn't say it's a touchy subject for me, but it's one that I find important. I myself am a Christian, but if you've noticed in my works, I think I give off a very different vibe, and this is mostly because I write a lot from Heechul's perspective in my fanfiction. I do this on purpose because I knew that if I was going to write Heechul I was going to have to write Heechul as an atheist, and Heechul is an intelligent person so I have to make his reasonings against Christianity and all other religions intelligent and well-founded. I like taking these kinds of points of view because it helps you learn about yourself as well.

You have to be open-minded. Religion has to change, be flexible in itself. The core values remain, the venues can bend, because that's the only way that it's going to flourish. If the beliefs don't evolve, the Religion becomes stagnant. And I'm sure you've all heard not to drink stagnant water. A reminder that religion isn't the only controversial issue, of course. There are many others, schools of thought, politics, etc...give it a try. You don't have to agree with something to write it convincingly.

Ah, too ranty. On to tip 3!

3. Write what you would like to read

If you wouldn't enjoy it, why would anyone else? If you don't enjoy reading over your own story as you edit (at least the first five or so times XD) than there could be a problem there. If you don't find the plot engaging than chances are it might not be. This isn't meant to discourage anyone from writing, of course. We learn through trial and error (thank god for constructive criticism) and that's how we develop as writers in our own right.

4. Write For Yourself

Don't feel pressured to please others. You should write because you enjoy it, not because you feel obligated to do so. If you no longer feel like writing something, don't force yourself because it won't come out how you want it and if you're like me, that puts you in a bad mood and you obsessively edit and plan out the next part to be perfect.

...and those are lady_hanaka 's four tips. I'm off to write now. :D Expect the next chapter of What Doesn't Kill You this weekend.

writing tips

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