Jul 02, 2010 06:02
can't sleep, even with the aid of meds. might go for the big guns in a bit... vodka and vicodin.
just a terribly shitty day, stress from being the only person in my department on my shift and also de facto evening supervisor (all the responsibilities and none of the pay). I had to steal another packet of vietnamese instant coffee from my coworker (DELICIOUS AND TASTY! says the package) but now i'm wound up with no outlet.
and i need to get up tomorrow to find a decent baseball glove and also a visual encyclopedia of every insect in existence. I HAVE NEEDS. ALSO THESE TWO THINGS ARE UNRELATED WHY DO YOU ASK.
I had a reason for posting though i can't remember what it was. oh yeah i was going to tell you how i deal with fear.
1.) First, if it's something that I'm afraid of that can be researched, i research the bajeezus out of it. Knowledge is the way out of fear. This helps me intellectually battle fear.
2.) If I am still having an emotional response to the thing, I imagine it in a party hat. Nothing is frightening if it is wearing a party hat.
3.) If all else fails, I recite the Bene Gesserit litany against fear until I feel silly, then I stop and do something else.
4.) Last but not least, whooping in a joyful and almost vicious manner while doing something ridiculously dangerous can give me enough bravado to see myself through an otherwise pants-wettingly harrowing scenario.
Also: pigeons in my chimney! WHY ARE THEY SO CUTE
Also also: At work no one looks at the description field because a) it is not a key field and b) i don't even think it shows up in the sql tables anywhere so I have started creating my job descriptions from cheesy 80s song lyrics. Also temporary numbering systems get the prefix of WHOCARES_.
And now I will have a sneezing fit
And now I will drink some vodka and go to bed and try to sleep again.
capslock out of control