Jennifer, did you know I love you? Have I told you lately? CAUSE I SHOULD HAVE.
Ulrike and Shori bonding is kind of adorable.
Wolfram's solution to Yuuri's possession? YELL LOUDER. Oh Wolfram.
Gwendal. OH GWENDAL.
Aaand of course we get an angsty scene with Julia. But it did serve a nice purpose; help Yuuri get his groove back, remind us he has redeeming qualities, and flash us back to the beginning, where both Yuuri and Murata seem much younger.
Murata really does have the hardest job in the kingdom, doesn't he? Four thousand years with a mostly-dead boyfriend who may or may not be a stalker when you're not paying attention.
Aww, even Yozak's happy to have Yuuri back. Hee. And Adalbert cracks me the fuck up.
I love the fight in the kitchen, but isn't this taking the 'way to a man's heart is through his stomach' metaphor a bit too far?
How much do I love getting to see Cheri and Ulrike kick ass by the way? SO MUCH.
And how stupid am I I KNOW THEY'RE GOING BACK I need to stop crying now
Conrad! Doomed to be the Hidaka Ken of KKM. Come play ball, Conrad!
And clearly we should drink every time Murata pushes Yuuri into somewhere. :D
KICK HIS ASS WOLFRAM, KICK HIS ASS! God, Wolfram's facial expressions in this scene are fucking priceless.
Aaand we're done, finally! Wow. That was a great last episode!
And I have to say, I may be crazy, but I think in the abstract the Crazy Plan was actually pretty decent. It's just when actual people start getting involved that it all starts looking batshit and ill-advised.
so where's the Shori/Rodriguez I'm just asking