Remix reveals are up and I realized I'd never recced my original remix because I am basically failing at LJ these days. So!
daegaer wrote
You Can Call Me Al (The Clubbed to Death Remix), a spin on my own "You Can Call Me Al," a Schuldig/Crawford I wrote way back for springkink. It was really fun to see the 'other half' of the story and I laughed like hell. She also managed to portray, brilliantly, Schuldig's mental state; no small feat considering the premise.
I wrote two stories, one regular remix and one quickly written Remix Madness fic. As usually happens in these cases, the quick one has way more hits and kudos. I like the story but I wish I'd had a bit more time with it.
But! I still like them both.
Cafe de I'Europe (The à la carte remix) is my first Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji story ever, remixed from
The Second of our Reign, about Ciel working very specifically to help Sebastian with...a certain problem. My remix is about Ciel going shopping.
The Madness fic was
Restored (The More or Less Functional Remix) which is also the first (and possibly only) time I've written Clint/Coulson. I seem to be in a place where I will take any excuse to write hearing aid fic. I'm okay with that. The original work was
Only Human. by marieincolour. I liked the way Marie worked the contrast between Clint and his superpowered teammates in the fic, but I backgrounded that in my remix and focused more on his relationships.
I also realized I never claimed my ShipSwap, where I wrote
Todd/Lydia from Breaking Bad. Fuck yes horrible tasteless pairings.