1. Reply to this post with I AM SPARTACUS, and I will pick five of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon glee!
very_verydanger over on LJ, who picked:
Nanny Ogg! This is a quote from a Terry Prachett book. Nanny is getting on in years, but she still has a sharp eye for a good-looking man.
This tiger is clearly not a real tiger. Iconed from a story and picture
amathela made me for
purimgifts, where a not-real tiger is important to the plot. If you like Arrested Development at all, you should probably
read it. Charles Foster Ofdensen from Metalocalypse. As manager of the world's greatest death metal band, and the most popular band on Earth, he gets called on to manage money, deal with global conspiracies, and be a soft-spoken, tie-wearing total fucking badass.
This icon is of a scene where he shuts the door on two people just before the sniper starts shooting. "I suggest you serpentine."
This is a Robertson Davies quote. ISN'T IT FANTASTIC?
Reynardine from Gunnerkrigg Court! I love, love, love this webcomic. It's the only one I really follow. Awesome female characters, interesting storylines, and a deadpan snarker fox spirit trapped in the body of a cute stuffed animal. (The symbol on his forehead is for mercury, btw.)