Musical Odyssey, Part 2

Apr 04, 2006 21:06

Day: 6
Status: 229 of 1111
Current Album: History - America
Albums I've actually liked since last update: About 4 and 1/3

What I've Learnt: (Songs 105-229)
- I'd forgotten how much I loved the Spiderman 2 album. But none of the songs really have anything to do with Spiderman.
- I've never heard an album that was such a mix of really good and really crap songs as Encore (Eminem). And while his music is really personal if you listen to (what you can follow of) the lyrics, Mr Mathers is one angry person.
- If the enjoyment I got out of A Rush of Blood to the Head is any indication, even though it was about the millionth time I've listened to it, I'm going to have a helluva lot of fun at the Coldplay concert in June.
- I really like More Than You Think You Are (Matchbox 20) and should listen to it more. But for some reason the songs I ripped the album off my friend for - if I can remember well, Disease and something else aren't on miPod. I think they got corrupted or something.
- I'll Be Missing You (P. Diddy) has a really long and unecessary intro.
- Never Ever (All Saints) holds a lot of memories about a certain period of my life - for some reason I connect it to playing Mario World 2 on my old Game Boy. But while I know what the memories are, for some reason I don't know what period of my life it was... Does anyone remember around what year it came out?
- Let's Get Married (Jagged Edge) is actually really slow and boring. One of the very few examples where the radio remix worked in a song's favour.
- While I liked Tea and Sympathy, I hope Powderfinger makes more music rather than Bernard Fanning going off on his own.
- The old music you like really depends on your parents. I love America's music, but if I hadn't been exposed to it constantly over my 18 years I don't know how much I'd like it.


musical odyssey

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