
Jul 07, 2006 15:44

OK, so I just watched Gattaca again for the first time in a while, and I'd forgotten how much I loved the movie. It's such a beautiful, quite little film but it's one of the few that can (almost) move me to tears. I love my big blockbusters and the massive sci-fi/fantasy movies, but there is something to be said about completely character driven films with no special effects and just a plain old good story. If you haven't seen it, go rent it out - even if you don't like sci-fi there's no real science in it, it's just basically set in the future.

And while I'm on the subject of movies, how in the world is it possible that Pirates 2 is rating worse than X-Men 3 over on Rotten Tomatoes? I get the fact that X-Men has a 100 more reviews and that that won't be the final score for Pirates because there are probably more reviews to come, but it doesn't make sense to me. I loved them both dearly but even I can admit The Last Stand was a pretty bad movie, and I probably only appreciated it because I'm a diehard fan. Is it just because people were expecting more out of Pirates and were disappointed? I don't know, it's strange.

And that's all from me today, till later -

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