What a crazy week.

Aug 13, 2009 23:13

Hello all. I'm back from my mini hiatus. It was semi fun, just let me tell you. I went on a little vacation to the Amish country side in western Ohio.... Which was odd, to say the least. It wasn't terribly fun either. It was totally monopolized like a town or a city. It was crazy really. Like, people are taking advantage of the Amish way of life. It sickens me.

Anyway, moving on. I just recently got over a really weird sickness. I don't want to elaborate, but let me just say it wasn't nice. I think it probably caused by double causes. Let's just say that me being allergic to ragweed and lactose don't really mix that well. But I'm new and improved with no milk products. Also I'm without the use of caffeine. So I can't consume Dr. Pepper, ice cream, or coffee. Lucky lucky me. Well I guess I'll be healthier for it as long as I get extra calcium from somewhere.

Okay, enough boring stuff. Let's talk about exciting things. Exciting things for me consist of... drawing some stuff, writing some stuff, imagining some stuff, listening to some stuff, managing some stuff, and playing some stuff. Let me elaborate. I've been on an intense drawing schedule for comicness and for secret special illustration piece for a LJ project. It's pretty fun. I've talked about it previously so, you should sort of be in the loop. If your totally lost then you need to read more into my journals. Of course when I say writing stuff I mean to say that I've been working on my novel. It's slow going. But it needs to be perfect. Violet needs it to be perfect. Anyway. As far as imaginings go, I've been imagining stuff for comicness and how I think my life should go. There's been a lot of thought lately to where I'm going to go to collage. It's a big choice, don't you know... Anyway, the listening comes to play with some new music I've been introduced to. The bands are like shitty rock bands, but they are sweet. The bands are part of a genre called Wizard Rock, or wrock for short. Lately I've been nerding it up with these bands which are all based on Harry Potter. I must say in my younger years I was quite the HP fangirl. So now, I'm re-living my roots, if you will. There are some awesome songs. My favorite is about how Harry tricked Mr. Malfoy into setting their house elf Dobby free. It's appropriately titled 'Dobby' and is by Draco and the Malfoys. There are a lot of other songs that are about subjects ranging from flying cars to Professor Lupin the werewolf. They are absolutely fantastic. Look 'em up, I dare you. As far as managing some stuff goes, I've been asked to manage an LJ photography account for a really good friend. She's mad into the stuff that she takes pictures of and is really really good. The account isn't up yet, but I will so let you know when it is. And I bet you can guess what playing stuff means. It means that I've been playing a little music here and there. Nothing too awesome. The lead singer that I kick around with and I just put up a wanted poster the other day in the local Guitar Center. We are in desperate need of a drummer and a bassist. It sucks to live in little tiny towns sometimes.

Wow. I think that might be the longest paragraph in existence. Don't quote me on that though, because I'm really not sure. I suppose that now I'll talk about what I plan to do tomorrow. I'm planning to maybe write some stuff. I don't know how well that will go. Does anyone know anything about little kids or baby showers. I would ask if anyone knew about guitars, but I've pretty much got that base covered. Being the guitar nerd that I am. After writing I'll probably eat lunch and spiffy myself up so that I can look really awesome. I know it's weird but watching LA Ink makes me wanna look really good. It's weird. It must be my actress side coming out. After that I might work on this huge painting that I'm working on. It's like two feet by three feet or something crazy like that. It's really cool, and it has super heroes of my own design on it, with a rock'n sunrise and dusty background. It's gonna be sweet. I'll post picture soon. I promise. And then after I work some on that I might work on recording some music. I recently purchased a new addition for home recording. I'm hoping to cut out the middle man. So maybe the sound quality will improve and be way more awesome that it was before. Once again, I'm a music nerd. And then after that I'm going to travel with my mom to purchase stuff for my up coming art show. Mostly in the form of paints and frames for pictures. After that we are probably going to travel a little more and get stuff for me to go back to school. I need a new bag. I've used the old one for like two years and it's got patched holes in the bottom. I think the Black Parade bag is finally dead. Oh well, I'm still gonna keep it for a keep sake. It can be used for light weight things, I think. It should hold up.

Well, that's about it. I suppose that I will now go and work on my mood theme for LJ. I hope it turns out amazingly. Maybe it will, maybe it won't. I'm about halfway done, I think. That's saying a lot considering that there are like billions of moods out there. On another note.... I would like to give a big shout out to Mr. Les Paul, who died today. He was 94 years old and revolutionized the music business forever. He's probably most well known for his innovations in recording technology and most of all for the Les Paul guitar. I have a Les Paul model Epiphone myself and have a great respect for this great man. May he rest in peace. Prayers go out to his family and all the people that he touched with his life and his music.

les paul, la ink, dr. pepper, guitar center, comic books, mood themes, wrock, writing, epiphone, draco and the malfoys, lj, harry potter, ohio

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