Fire Emblem Shipping Wank

Feb 14, 2014 14:45

What better way to celebrate Valentine's Day than to tear apart a shipping wank?

Gerome/Lucina is a Couple Worse than Twilight: by airshipcanon

I’ve always wanted to spork someone’s wangsty rant on a subject, no matter what it was. Now, I finally found something the gets canon facts wrong, makes poor comparison choices, and just makes little sense overall. For bonus points, it wanks over shipping choices. I couldn’t resist this. Are you ready? Let’s go!

Basically, it’s the worst goddamn pairing in all of FE, and yes, It IS -that- bad.

Personally I think Makalov and Astrid in Radiant Dawn were worse, but what do I know.

Let’s see, no chemistry? Check.

Well, they’re serious minded childhood friends who support each other’s choices and decisions. He also helped her look for her pendant in their B support. How is that not chemistry?

The only thing they’ve got, at fucking all is a mask. Congrats.

So you’re just looking at the surface elements of a relationship. Congrats.

Come the fuck on, Arvis/Deirdre has more chemistry than that.

Because there’s no better relationship than one that was manipulated into existence to bring forth a vessel for a dark god. Wait, what?

To sum up their supports- and they’ve the absolute worst in awakening, hell, the generic as fuck Radiant Dawn ones are better, comes down to “Mask” “Hello” “Hello” “Let’s get married”.

One, marriage isn’t exactly brought up in most of the children’s supports. Two, you could argue that the supports got cut in Radiant Dawn because there were too many characters to write for.

There’s better fucking writing in Twilight for gods’ sake.

Did you even read the books? Ever? I’ve read the series so I can say that’s bullshit. Edward watches Bella as she sleeps, stalks her, and overall manipulates her because he enjoys having a brainless puppet to pull the strings for. Bella, on the other hand, also goes into the relationship for one thing: to be turned into a beautiful and immortal vampire (though the Cullens’ ridiculous and unrealistic wealth is an added bonus). She too manipulates people to get her way. Gerome and Lucina do none of that. Besides, Twilight is basically Meyer’s escapist Mary Sue fantasy, which Fire Emblem is not.

Oh, and to make matters worse: Gerome is fucking destructive to Lucina’s characterization.

So sharing certain personality traits is destructive to someone else’s characterization?

Not only is there no substance to their shitty ass fucking supports, he harms her characterization. Lucina is a non-static character, and she’s built on that- she develops.

The characters (save for the lords) don’t actually grow as characters unless you do their supports. That was even when the supports were still new to the games. Otherwise, most of them (again, save for the lords) end up flat, with maybe a few things to indicate a growth.

Pair her with Gerome and all that gets thrown out the fucking window- she gets absolutely nothing out of the support.

Outside of the eternal support of one of her comrades? Because that’s something.

He doesn’t bring her up like the rest of her partners do.

Something tells me I don’t want to know what you mean by “bring her up.”

He leaves her in a bad place as an overly stoic woman- you know the kind that everyone bitches about, that she’s actually -not-.

She can be just as emotional as the other characters. She just does a better job of hiding it.

And she doesn’t do anything for him either.

Like returning his affections? Or just being someone he can talk with at ease?

At all. Not many, outside of Cynthia, Morgan and Noire do.

The former two sort of pester him into opening up, while the latter is more fragile than the other characters (her supports with Laurent and Brady even mention she’s anemic) and actually has one of her trademark “outbursts” during their supports.

He’s always a silent douchebag.

“Douchebag” and being emotionally distant are not the same thing!

He doesn’t develop with Lucina.

Yes, he does. I think you’re just intentionally ignoring that bit.

It’s unnatural.

How is realizing he’s wrong with declining to attend the war council and realizing he wants to genuinely help her in any way he can “unnatural”?

He’s also negatively opposed to her- she earnestly believes she can change fate. He essentially has a similar mentality to that of Validar. Just so happens that he’s a “good guy”.


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Validar was raised to want the destiny of Grima’s revival. Gerome lost his parents because of Grima’s return and mostly lost hope (but not all of it). Those two are not alike in any way.

And it’s not a friendly opposition that causes “Opposites Attract” either, it’s a pure negative:   Their personalities would not match at all. Both are serious, but Lucina is very definitely an optimist,

You’re confusing optimist with hopeful.

but understands the effort she needs to exert to achieve victory- she went back assuming victory can be attained

I think you have Lucina confused with someone else (who that person would be I don’t know)

and outside of a select few moments, puts that victory before herself (which, isn’t necessarily a good thing, but that’s the focal point of her support with MaleMU,

Which is what this ranter ships. Surprise surprise. And by the way, the supports had more to do with keeping hope through thick and thin. How did you miss that?

which ultimately does culminate in the Ch21 scene where she actually does show the outcome of their supports, and finally puts herself first for once-

Her motivation has always been about her father’s survival above all else. Did you not pay attention to her dialog at all?

choosing the life of her lover over ending a major threat to her mission/the world).

No, that’s her being unable to bring herself to do the task because she loves him too much.

Gerome, on the other hand, is a strict defeatist.

In the end he actually does learn that destiny can be defeated and defied. Have you not actually read his quotes at all?

(Hell, he didn’t even care about her or her mission when he went back- he assumed failure, and went back for entirely different reasons)

Considering he still joined the army thanks to his mother, it wouldn’t be hard to argue that he still has some hope for the situation.

And once again, he’s a male Tsundere- just like Severa- he’s distant for a reason, and the only thing you have here is a recipe for disaster.

Really? Are you saying that Severa’s tsundere, which amounts to her acting like a spoiled brat, is better than Gerome’s “tsundere”? With Gerome, I wouldn’t exactly call that “tsundere”. Am I sensing a double standard here?

They don’t interact well- it’s a couple destined to fail miserably. And Lucina’s got three bad endings: Solo (disappears to fucking nowhere),

She likely felt content that Grima was defeated and felt that she didn’t belong in the new timeline, much like Gerome does. That and her infant counterpart is at the castle with her parents, it’d be confusing for them (and likely everyone else) to refer to two different Lucinas at the castle.

Owain (disappears to fucking nowhere, takes Owain), and Gerome (Dragged off to Valm).

She married him of her own will and love for him in their shared ending. Gerome also doesn’t strike me as the kind of guy who’d forcefully drag someone to come along with him.

Yeah, she gets what she thinks she must do with  Gerome, not what she wants-

You mean her S support, which had heartfelt confessions from both of them, was what she “had” to do rather than what she wanted? Screw you.

but remember her “Now I must leave” is explicitly shown to be a bad thing, considering her parents want her to stay with them and all.

They don’t force her to stay you know.

Oh, want a bit on why Arvis/Deirdre is better?

Could you at least keep your comparisons limited to the same game in the series? It helps to make your argument look consistent.

Because get this: One- they have chemistry, yes it’s about the same as Chromatar

I’ve read the linked article, and trust me it’s getting a spork too.

but it’s still there, and there’s presence to it, unlike with GeroLuci.

Deirdre was kidnapped from her first husband Sigurd by the evil priest Manfroy, who then brainwashed her into losing her memories of said husband and left in a place where Arvis would find her, fall in love and marry her for his overall goal of reviving the dark god Loptyr, which needed a person with major Lopto blood in their veins, and because Arvis and Deirdre are half-siblings (unaware that they are half-siblings), it works with Julius.

Two: Some actual development is seen.

Off-screen anyway.

Three: Arvis actually cares about Deirdre enough to commit suicide over what fucking happens as a fallout from it, after she was murdered (by Julius, whom Arvis tried to have exiled.).

image Click to view

First of all, Arvis had all of his power transferred from him to his son by factors outside of his control. Second, since his son and Manfroy have turned what he intended to be a good empire into a nightmare to live in, he virtually has no control anymore. Third, do I have to remind you that everything in Arvis life was falling apart? His son went insane, his wife was killed, his daughter disappeared, and his empire has crumbled from the united land it was supposed to be and he realized that he had been manipulated by Manfroy the entire time.

Actually this:

As for why Arvis/Deirdre is better than Gerome/Lucina (by several orders of magnitude)? It’s for one, not counterproductive to either character. True, we don’t get to see much of Deirdre after she marries Arvis-

You could make a solid argument that Deirdre didn’t need a personality. She’s nothing more than a plot device just to make sure Seliph, Julius, and Julia were born. Outside of that, she otherwise had no real purpose.

but here’s the catch,

I’ve always wanted to make that joke. Carry on.

from Julia and bits of sidestory and FE5, she’s happy- and it’s not like you can be counterproductive to Deirdre’s character anyways.

According to the developer’s notes, she actually did remember that Sigurd was her first husband at some point, and she actually didn’t put up any resistance when Julius killed her in hopes of seeing Sigurd again, and when Seliph sees the ghosts of his parents, that’s what happens!

And it’s certainly productive for Arvis’s character.

Because the downhill turn for the worse that his life took in the last few years were so productive for his character.

Arvis is shown as completely insensitive- yet at the same time, he’s not- he’s surprisingly caring.

He only shows his caring side to his half-brother, Azel. He’s mostly a dick because his father was a womanizer who, while drunk, raped his mother’s favourite maid, which not only resulted in the aforementioned half-brother, cause his mother to cheat on Victor and disappear (which resulted in Deirdre by the way). When Victor found out, he killed himself. All of this made Arvis distrustful of most women except for Aida (the mother of his bastard child Saias) and Deirdre.

It’s literally out of love for Deirdre and Julia that he chooses to die on Seliph’s blade, rather than to continue his wretched life (Even though he could easily have killed Manfroy himself with Valflame,

Somehow, I don’t think that’s the case. Manfroy did kill Lewyn after all.

surrendered to Seliph (and still have given him Tyrfing), and protected Julia all in one move), no, not “lust”, honest love for her (and probably a tinge of regret for torching Sigurd)

Spoiler alert: no he didn’t.

… hell that covers my second point: there’s more chemistry between Arvis/Deirdre than Gerome/Lucina, by a lot- one you’ve got an ambitious, driven man who honestly loves the girl who he found lying face down in the dirt (Even though he suspects she was Sigurd’s… and this does cause some jealousy.)- and ultimately when he’s lost her- due to his son being wicked-

By wicked you mean being possessed by Loptyr, right?

chooses to die, in part to make up for his sins. And on the other?

Childhood friends who support and care for each other?

A guy who flat out states he doesn’t care if the girl he “supposedly” loves fails and dies, and the whole world goes to hell, because fate.

Gerome never said that, especially the former. You’re making stuff up for your argument aren’t you?

A third reason, while it’s not much of one, is that Arvis/Deirdre is responsible for Julia’s existence.

Because someone needed to provide the easy way to defeat the final boss, since she’s the only one who can wield the Naga tome.

Yeah, no, fuck this pairing to high hell.

I can say the same for your biased, uneducated argument.

Lucina’s literally better with anyone else, and same goes with Gerome.

Just ignore it. It’s that simple.

I can understand that no two people have the same shipping preferences. The problem here is that the person doing the rant does whatever every other butthurt shipper does: force their opinions down the throat of whoever will listen, with no chance for a calm, civil discussion, in addition to making poor comparisons and poor research for their topic, even making stuff up that doesn’t actually exist in canon. It also didn’t actually say how Edward/Bella were better than the Gerome/Lucina, which left me confused as to why Twilight was brought up to begin with.

It really says something when the rants done by Link’s Queen are more entertaining than this.

I hope this was decent filler before the next fic arrives. See you then.

P.S It also doesn’t help when I can spot grammar failures in your argument. Just saying.


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