Oct 04, 2006 21:42
I was successful with the staying in Worthing. I've had a relatively quiet couple of days. Been trying to get stuff put away in the room, it's a slow process. I have decided on definitely going to Greece though, so that's one decision taken care of. I caught Nikos on msn last night, and we had a bit of a chat. I sent him an e.mail the other day saying that I'd been having doubts about going over because I didn't want to hurt him and stuff. He was a bit pissed about it, but assured me he was a big boy and could handle it. Fair enough.
Back to work tomorrow, fairly solidly till Monday morning. It's quite bizarre being the one sod who's looking forward to Monday morning. Well, Jim also has cause to be looking forward to Monday. The lucky, lucky man! He's taking Tues and Wed off, so we're gonna have a couple of days together. I hope the weather's ok so we can go and check out some more of the Yorkshire Dales. Otherwise we'll just stay in bed all day, and that would be terrible.