Jun 29, 2005 17:35
So we went to court. We didn't have to go to trial. We sat outside the courtroom and the lawyers ran proposals back and forth.
What we got:
4 weeks in the summer (vs. 2 we have now) - only 3 weeks this summer because we're already 2 weeks into summer, but with all the wedding and house stuff, that's fine, we'll take it. The way we've arranged the summer this summer doesn't mess with any of the wedding appointments we didn't want to drag Dez to, or any other plans we've already made, so it's all good!
Better split of holidays - Thanksgiving becomes Wednesday night to Sunday night (instead of 8-12 hours overlapping part of Thursday)
We'll split Christmas break - whoever had Dez for Thanksgiving gets the second half of Christmas break, the other person has Dez for the 1st half/Christmas.
Spring break and Easter are treated as a whole and flip flop every other year. The ex will have Dez for 2006, but we'll have her for 2007.
Split of Sunday night drive - Our lawyer advised that with Bob's schedule and Northern Virginia traffic, there was no good split for Friday nights. Best bet was to continue to pick up Dez at the ex's work or home (wherever Dez was). Sunday nights we'll meet her in Manassas. Not quite half way, but close.
(Originally we wanted 5 weeks in summer and meeting in Fair Lakes, so Bob joked that we only lost out on 1 week and 12 miles)
It's a good deal, and we're happy. Thanks for all the support and good thoughts!! Just wanted to quick post and let everyone know how it turned out! We're emotionally wiped out, but it's all good.