Sep 13, 2007 23:49
So I turned 33 today (and thank you to everyone for your birthday wishes!). The day was a lot like most other days: I got up with the kids, got them breakfast, drew pictures with them, read some more and finished my book (Jane Eyre), let the kids watch movies, fixed some lunch, talked on the phone, yadda yadda. I forgot to mark the exact moment of my birth (11:59 am); oh well. The Farktography theme this week was "Hands," and my entries are doing very well in the voting (one is in second place--w00t!), so that was nice. My Dad came over and visisted awhile. He and Stepmom got me a gift card to a local fabric store, which was totally unexpected. J. got me a light meter I'd been looking at, as well as a lens case for my funky LensBaby lens. The evening was nothing extraordinary, but it was very nice. I said to hell with low carbing for my birthday and chose a local Mexican place that is teh awesome. We had flan for dessert then went to the coffee shop a few doors down and I got my ubiquitous iced latte. Then we went to a used bookstore in the same shopping area, and I found a collection of 5 romance novels. As in novels from the romance era (which also happen to be romantic), but not to be confused with trashy romance novels (not that there's anything wrong with that). This has Pride and Prejudice, Persuasion, Jane Eyre (the only one of the five that I've ever read, amazingly enough), Wuthering Heights, and Tess of the D'Urbervilles. In my defense, I was only an English minor. Be that as it may, I've been reading for pleasure more and more lately; it's the easiest way to get C. to sleep--sit in with him while reading under the booklight until he drifts off.
So yeah, I'm 33, and I can't say I'm thrilled about that number. It seems suddenly so much older than 32, but there isn't anything I can do about it, so meh, whatever. I actually still like birthdays in a general sense, I just don't like having to add to the number anymore. I guess I should take a moment and look at where I'm at in life: Is it where I want to be? Have I accomplished what I wanted to by this point? I'd have to say yes on both counts. I'm educated and credentialled, I'm happily married (8 years, now!!), have 2 great kids (yeah, yeah, they all say that), I'm able to stay home with them, I have hobbies outside of mommy-ing, I'm healthy and reasonably active, I have great friends, I'm loved. I still have that old tendency of taking on too much, though; I don't guess that's likely to change by this point in my life. Still, I'm very fortunate.
Anyway, thank you all for your love and friendship. I don't talk or write to any of you often enough (well, except for J., obviously ;) ), but know that I think about you often.