This fan-fic is getting pretty long and if anyone wants to read the chapters they either have to fish them out or I have to post links every two or three updates, and both options are a little time consuming. So I've made this 'master list' because it's convenient for anyone who reads/wants to read this and for me also. Other people do this and it works so I can't see this being a waste of time. I can also post links to other related items so they too are easier to find (one-shots, art, video's, and pretty much whatever if it's related)
Welcome to the convenience!
Note: The first three chapters weren't beta'd so I apologize for any mistakes. I've gone over them a few times since having
madame_doodle as my beta but there might still be some mistakes. Also, I don't really trust my ratings because it's just what I've rated them in my opinion - I suggest reading the warnings if you want a better picture :) Happy reading!
Chapter 1 -
HERE - Rated PG
Chapter 2 -
HERE - Rated PG 13
Chapter 3 -
HERE - Rated M 15+
Chapter 4 -
HERE - Rated NC-17
Chapter 5 -
HERE - Rated NC-17
Chapter 6 -
HERE - Rated MA 15+
Chapter 7 -
HERE - Rated M 15+