...and really, if it weren't for my friend who I love and adore tagging me to do this, well, it would probably be even longer.
So, I got tagged by the fantastic Ms.
zerofeelings, and here it goes.
A. List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
B. Tag seven people to do the same.
C. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag "whoever wants to do it".
1. I'm the oldest of eight children. Yes, that's right, 8. The youngest is my baby (well, he's not such a baby anymore) half-brother from my father's second marriage and he's 21 years younger than me.
2. My life may appear messy and cluttered, but inside I'm a closet neat freak.
3. I have this weird eyebrow thing. It totally weirds me out if my eyebrows are touched going the wrong way and I have to fix/smooth them, but it doesn't end there. This also applies to other people's eyebrows as well...sometimes my friends will mess theirs up just to freak me out (or worse yet, come after mine) but I also cringe when a stranger's are mussed.
4. I once did this New Age past-life regression thing...I think I was a cat in a previous life.
5. I'm a total book nerd.
6. I have visited 4 of the 7 continents.
7. In my life I would rather have a few really close friends than lots of regular friends/acquaintances. As such, I have more than one "best friend," and I'm totally fine with it.
I Tag:
Jon, Genn, Will, Eben, Katie, Ang, and Melissa (there were clearly going to be profile links here but LJ is being retarded so deal w/it hehehe)