Random, mostly, cause I don't know what to say, not really.

May 17, 2011 13:07

 So I just finished Castle, like... to minutes ago.

Montgomery. Okay. I was expecting that.

Doesn't mean it didn't hurt. Cause it hurt like hell and it made me cry like a little girl. I knew he wasn't  going to betray her, he love her too much. They made him choose between his family and Beckett but it's the same, isn't it? She's like a daughter to him...

I loved their last scene it was full of emotion and it felt so final that I totally believed it. He made his last stand and Beckett forgave him. It was really beautiful, and I have to admit that I wasn't expecting Castle but it was a great surprise. Montgomery planned everything even Kate's safety net, someone who would take her away and be there when everything was over.

And there was a lot of great stuff in this chapter, like Kate's father coming to Castle's house. Or more obviously, Castle and Beckett's conversation, it was all angsty and perfect... And Esposito and Ryan.

Esposito and Ryan are LOVE. In big capital letters. Without them this show wouldn't be the same, not at all. I LOVE THEM.

The funeral.

I  knew they weren't going to say anything about Montgomery's dirty past, it was kind of obvious, they love him and you don't do that to people you love.

And no, I'm not talking about Kate's wound or Castle's I love you.

It's gonna end up being just like that chapter in Bones when they fake Booth's death to catch a killer. Maybe they're gonna let the bad guys think she's dead so she can go after them without being expected.

I know I'm saying random shit, and that I'm not being coherent but I just don't know how to say everything I'm feeling right now.

fandom: castle

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