Okay, I feel like I should have enjoy this episode more than I did. I mean, it was a Knights centered episode but I was expecting much more than what I got. Thought it did start in an awesome way; Elyan defending Merlin in front of the village's elder and Gwaine being all pretty.
Although the pace was kind of slow, I was hoping for more terror or action or i don't know... I guess I liked the premise but the actual episode didn't stood up to it. Well that's just IMO, I'll have to read your posts and see if I missed something between all the walking in the dark and the never ending tracking.
Oh, but what I DID enjoy like crazy was Gaius trusting Merlin to go and take care of sick people on his own! I needed something like this from Gaius; he's always saying that he trust Merlin and telling him how powerful he is but I needed proof that he really thinks Merlin has learned something during these years. So yeah, I really liked it. And he proved himself worthy! He couldn't cure them but just because it was a magic inflicted sickness.
Everyone loves gifts, right?