30 Day Music Meme Days 25 - 27

Mar 20, 2011 22:39

Day 25 - A song that makes you laugh

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Call it Kiwi pride or whatever you want, but I love Flight of the Conchords. This song is incredibly fun to randomly break in to with - strangely enough - friends. :P

Day 26 - A song that you can play on an instrument

Well, you know I can play Falling Slowly, so I'm not going to post that one. PSYCHE.

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Evanescence! Aw yeah, didn't see that coming, did you? I bought The Open Door piano music book ages ago, and Good Enough is by far my favourite to play - it helps that it was written for piano. Some of the pieces in that book sound like crap because they were written for bass guitar and so forth. HAHA NO.

While I'm here...

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I can play this as well, though nowhere near as well as it's played in this video as you might expect. I'm not a professional piano player; merely a self-taught, slightly crazed music enthusiast. There's quite a difference. But it's a beautiful piece and my favourite out of what I shall egotistically refer to as "my repertoire". xD

Day 27 - A song that you wish you could play

...Oh, you really don't want to get me started. You really don't. There is so much, and there is so much I can't find the music for, and it fills me with the purest form of rage imaginable. I'll whittle it down to two for you:

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Amazingly, I don't think I've used this song so far in this meme, because I've been listening to it a lot. On repeat. In the car. While I'm writing. Doing the dishes. Anywhere and everywhere. I'm just hooked on it. If I could play this on piano, I would be such a happy bunny. You have no idea.
As a random aside, I love watching the crowds at Blackfield or Porcupine Tree concerts - there's none of the stupidity that goes on at 90% of concerts; no jumping around or death circles or any of that shit (there's a time and a place for jumping around and having a good time though, don't get me wrong. Pendulum was pure WIN), just people really enjoying the music and letting it envelop them completely. One day. One day, it'll be me... And I'll probably cry.

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I think this song is next in line for spammage-listening by Iris. It's a cover of a song by a band called Bad Religion, but this is the first I've heard of it. I love how strong and passionate the piano part is - DO WANT. But as usual with these things, I cannot find it online. Woe is me.

Day 28 - A song that makes you feel guilty
Day 29 - A song from your childhood
Day 30 - Your favorite song at this time last year

30 day music meme, holy crap, kiwi represent, i hearts my music, music, musical squee, omgepic

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