Stolen from oh-so-many people.

Nov 13, 2010 10:53

This meme looks like ~srs fun, so I decided to have a go with my Discworld characters. I have no idea how this is going to go, or even how many of you know my legacy or whutever, but I'm interested to see what happens.

Back to my NaNo for an hour...I have three parties today. Oh, end of Tec, you torture me so. <3

ALSO. I bought myself an iPod Touch as a yay-I-survived-three-years-of-Tec present and I heart it. I heart it so very much. ^__^

1) Make a list of 15 characters first.

2) Ask your friends list to post questions in the comments. (Go ahead, ask several! That's a lot of characters.)

For example:
"4, 6, 12 & 15 are starting a band together, what is their name and what kind of music do they play? Also, who's the lead singer, and what instruments do the others play?"

3) After your friends list has asked enough questions, round them up and answer them using the 15 characters you selected beforehand, and then post them.

4) Guessing time!


i'm hungry, memetiem!, nanowrimo!, ipod touch, squee

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