Electrical Engineer Looking for a Job

Nov 23, 2008 11:01

Hey everyone,
A friend of mine is looking to move to the Boston area, and he is currently looking for a job. He's a senior electrical engineer at Raytheon Missile Systems, and has a good background in digital design (with some mixed signal stuff thrown in for good measure). Bonus: unlike me, he is also one of those EEs that can code well - though he is not interested in a job as a Perl monkey. He also has some managerial experience by way of design team leadership, which would make him a good candidate for both a straight-up engineering job and a team manager job. He is hard-working, extremely professional, responsible, and just in general a nice guy to work with. I think that he'd be able to get along well with whoever he ends up working for. Really, a guy who makes missiles and breathes fire has got to be pretty cool, right? :)

His resume is located here

If your company is hiring, or you know of someone who is hiring, please feel free to pass his resume all around. The more people who see it, the better.

If nothing else, by helping him find a job out here, you are in turn helping to make me very very happy.

job hunt

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