(no subject)

Jul 28, 2006 03:53

Title: Imitation of Life
Author: Lady DeathAngel 
Fandom: School of Rock
Disclaimer: Not mine, not profiting, 'nuff said.
Genre: romance, humor, angst, drama
Pairings: Summer/OC, Zack/OC, eventual Katie/Summer, Freddy/Zack
Warnings: language, sexual content, drug use, ncs, slash and femmeslash
A/N: This is my first child.  My baby.  I'm very bad about updating said baby, but I try.  Anyway, read the warnings, please.  They apply.    
Summary: In which art imitates what makes life beautiful: every high, every low, and all the angst and love and happiness in between.

Katie didn’t know when it had become a good idea to get stoned three hours before she was due at some coffee house event the school was having, but that was exactly what she was doing. She was sitting in Freddy’s baked bathroom, her head in his lap, Billy’s in hers, looking up, up, up at the black and white tiled ceiling.

"She lets him fondle her," she muttered, her breath barely disturbing the thick smoke hanging above her.

"How do you know?" Billy asked, taking their second joint from Freddy’s lax fingers and savoring his umpteenth hit.

"I saw him. He had his hand on her thigh and she didn’t care." She paused long enough to take a hit of her own. "Marta told me about it a while ago. She says that they’re fucking in the hallways."

Freddy snorted.

"C’mon, Summer? And Chris? Even she has better taste than that."

"Mmmm. I dunno."

It was fast turning into one of those maudlin highs, the kind that weren’t fun because there was a severe lack of insane giggling and an overabundance of self-reflection.

"I think we need to get laid," Billy finally declared.

Freddy laughed.

"You always say that. Sex is your solution to every problem."

"It works wonders," he declared.

"Some of us are saving ourselves for that special someone."

Billy rolled his eyes slowly.

"Right. Losers."

"Besides, there’s not time," Freddy continued. "That coffee house thing is in thirty minutes and Zack will be here any minute now."

For some reason, Katie thought they all ought to be more concerned about that. But they weren’t. In fact, they lounged around until Freddy’s cellphone blared Zack’s annoying, distinctive ringtone and the blonde answered.

"Yo," he muttered. "Um . . . the door’s open, why don’t you just come up? We don’t feel like moving."

Billy giggled and Katie almost smiled.

"Uh-huh. Yep. How’d you guess?" Freddy laughed and then hung up. Minutes later the door swung open to reveal Zack, looking down at them with one eyebrow raised.

"That always looks so cool when I’m stoned," Billy commented. "How do you do that?"

The eyebrow twitched.

"You can do it too."

"Oh. Right."

Zack coughed slightly and then laughed.

"Shit, how long have you guys been in here?"

"Um . . ." Katie thought back, trying to remember. "Two hours? Two and thirty minutes? Yeah, that’s it."

Zack rolled his eyes.

"Well get up you idiots."

It took a few minutes and a lot of groans and giggles, but eventually they’d all righted themselves.

"Okay," Freddy said, passing the joint around for one last hit each. "We’re fortified enough to handle this, now, let’s go."

The trip to the school was amusing, only because Zack was regaling them all with tales of how Alice had cornered him with tickets to the Sadie Hawkins dance the following Saturday.

"I swear to God I don’t remember agreeing to go."

"Were you drunk when it happened, by any chance?" Freddy asked.

It was a well known fact that Zack was easy when he was drunk. He’d agree to anything.

"Probably," he admitted. "In fact, I bet it was at that party a few weeks ago at Dylan’s place."

Katie nodded. She remembered that party. She’d made out with Dylan’s older sister at the party.

"I remember that party. I made out with his sister at that party," she said.

"Really?" Billy said, sounding shocked. "So did I!"

Freddy snorted and then started laughing uncontrollably.

"You’re shitting us," he said.

Billy frowned and tried to remember if he was or not.

"No . . . I thought she was a drag queen."

"At a highschool party?"

"Well . . . when you put it that way . . ."

"You guys are so fucked up," Zack declared.

Katie laughed.

"Obviously. Summer’s gonna be pissed."

"She’ll just be jealous that she missed out," Freddy said.

"I’m so sure," Zack deadpanned.


As it turned out, Summer was not pissed. In fact, she was so glad to see her friends that she didn’t notice their collective stoned status until they’d all settled at a table and cracked up at the completely unfunny smiley face that Zack drew resembling Alice or Satan or possibly both.

"He wants me to ask him to the dance," she said once they settled down.

"Who?" Zack asked, slightly out of the loop.

"Chris," she replied. "He said he’d go if I asked him. Should I ask?"

On her left, Katie mumbled something that sounded like, "I am not baked enough for this." On stage some nerdy looking kid in a t-shirt advertising some obscure German metal band started spouting political poetry that had most people filing their nails and laughing at dumb jokes being whispered in their ears.

"I think," Freddy finally said magnanimously. "That this place is depressing, boring, and that it’d be more fun to sneak into Doomsday."

Summer almost argued, but about that time the nerd finished his poem to a smattering of applause and Chris rose to the catcalls and cheers of everyone who’d been ignoring the performances up to that point. He threw her a wink and picked up his guitar. She just knew that any minute he’d start with the cheesy, "This one goes out to a very special girl named Summer," stuff, and she didn’t think she could stand it.

"Let’s do it," she declared.

Freddy, Billy, and Katie blinked at her slowly and then grinned.

"Awesome," they said together.

Zack just smirked.

"I’ll drive."


Doomsday was a club a few miles from the school. The name alone was enough to scare off most people, but it wasn’t a BDSM club or anything like that. In fact, most of the people in there looked normal, if a bit . . . half naked at times. Doomsday was, rather, a gay club, and notoriously easy to get into if you knew the right people. Billy had discovered the year before that being associated with School of Rock and Dewey Finn definitely counted as ‘the right people’ and since then, he, Freddy, and Katie had been regulars.

It was a pretty typical Friday at the club, or so Zack and Summer were being convinced. In all honesty, they’d only ever been inside once, and that was for a gig a few months earlier. It was a bit different to be on the other side of the dance floor, watching boys dry-hump boys and girls oscillate with girls just feet away. Not different bad, Zack decided, watching as two extremely hot, extremely half-naked guys made out. Definitely different good. And then he stopped to think about that thought and the fact that the last two nights had been littered with wet dreams about Freddy Jones and he wondered, vaguely, if he was gay.

"Look!" Billy yelled over the loud, thumping music. "It’s Mark!"

Freddy’s head immediately shot up and he grinned.

"No shit?"

"No shit! He’s dancing with the red-head. You should go say hello and then beg for a blow-job because heaven knows you need one."

Freddy stuck his tongue out, but sauntered over to the dark-haired guy anyway. Zack decided that he was absolutely not jealous, just not quite drunk enough, and waited for drinks to magically appear at their table, no questions asked, before throwing one back with the seasoned smoothness of a professional. Summer and Katie had both wandered off and were dancing together, he noticed, taking the chance to steal Summer’s drink since she obviously wouldn’t be missing it.

"I hate to leave you alone," Billy said with a smile. "But the guy in the corner obviously wants me."

Zack shrugged.

"Have fun," he said.

The other boy nodded.

"I know I will. But you should try to have some too. I think the guy walking this way’ll help see to it."

Zack opened his mouth to ask just what Billy was talking about, but the boy was gone before he got the chance, his place taken by a tall, thin young man in a fishnet shirt and skintight pants. He smiled, raking a hand through his disheveled blonde hair.

"I’m Ryan," he said in a husky voice.


"Wanna dance?"

There was really no reason to say no, and this was as good a chance as any to figure out if maybe he really was gay. Besides, he was just buzzed enough that he didn’t much care what happened. So he nodded, let himself be pulled up from his chair, and followed Ryan to the middle of the dance floor. Somewhere off to his left he knew Freddy was basically making out with Mark, Billy was laughing at his latest conquest, and Summer and Katie were smiling like nothing else in the world mattered. Zack decided to try and at least pretend to have fun, even if the body at his back didn’t feel quite right. He was too tall, too pretty, too . . . well, too not Freddy. Dancing with him felt off and he had a feeling he looked like an idiot.

He wondered if he’d dance better with Freddy guiding his hips. After all, he knew a thing or two about rhythm that Zack did not. The dark-haired boy closed his eyes as he thought about the drummer pressed against him, swaying to the beat, arms wrapped around him from behind. They’d move together perfectly, Zack knew. And it would be so hot, being guided along. He could practically hear Freddy’s voice in his ear murmuring "Slower, mmhmmm, just like that," in the deep voice he always used when he was turned on. He wondered if the blonde would kiss him, soft wet kisses behind his ear, or if he’d let his hands wander over his body.

But Ryan wasn’t Freddy and Ryan felt wrong and even with his eyes closed, Zack wasn’t likely to forget it. So he excused himself and wandered back to the table. So, maybe, he thought, staring absently at his hands, he wasn’t gay exactly. Maybe he was just in lust with Freddy for some strange reason. Which didn’t change anything, really. He could still expect the dreams and the anticipation of being drawn and painted by him. He was still obviously obsessed. And obviously not drunk enough.


Saturday dawned bright and too damned early for Freddy’s liking. His head felt fuzzy, his body heavy, and the room was unnaturally warm. It took him a moment to lift his head, but when he finally did he realized that the reason the room felt so warm was because there were five people in it. Summer and Katie were on his bed, curled up together beneath his duvet. Billy was sprawled on his armchair underneath a huge, fuzzy blanket with large wolves on it, staring at him from their upside down position.

The fifth person in the room wasn’t visible from Freddy’s vantage point for an obvious reason. Zack was currently spooned behind him. It was really a very intimate position that they’d landed themselves in. They were laying in a nest of soft blankets, sheets, and pillows, one of Zack’s knees resting between Freddy’s thighs, one of his hands pressed against the exposed skin of his belly. The brunette’s breath tickled the back of his neck, and he shifted ever so slightly in his sleep, his hold tightening.

Freddy held still a moment before gently disentangling himself and standing up. He made a quick trip to the bathroom and then walked back into his room. No one looked ready to wake up and, truth be told, he wasn’t either. So he drew the curtains on his window, conveniently black and heavy enough to block out the sun. With the room comfortably dark again, he walked back over to Zack. The other boy was blinking groggily.

"Did I wake you up?" Freddy asked.

Zack nodded.

"Yeah. ‘s okay though. Coming back to bed?"



Freddy smiled and laid back down, his back to the other boy. Zack didn’t waste any time in curling into him again, putting his arm and leg back where they’d been before. It felt nice, the blonde decided. And he was asleep again within minutes

iol, summer/katie, school of rock, wip, zack/freddy

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