sorry, i bring horrible news on the day of my return T.T

Nov 14, 2005 00:28

i brought 5 beautiful angelfish today...and now they're almost all dead Y.Y
my heart's so broken...i duno anyway to save them...i wasnt prepared at all for raising angelfishes...and now i've caused (indirectly) all their deaths TT_____TT
such beautiful fishes...i'm so sorry!!!

one of them look like this:

black marble angelfish

2 of them look like this:

with the stripes, my poor poor fishes

and the other 2 look like this:

i'm so so sorry, fishes!!!
plz forgive me for my idiocy!!!
the marble fish is still struggling, and the stripy ones still have a breath left, but my other 2 angels are dead already i fink...i'm too sad to heart acks too much to see them all dying or dead...

on monday (da day b4 my exam) my red fantail died too T.T
she was pregnant, so very suseptable to disease and illness...and died within like an hour or two of been infected while her partner was still moving about, not affected at all...similar to this time...i was crying my heart out wen she died...she was so adorable wen she was smart and cubby...i always couldnt help feeding her wen she looks at me and wiggle her way towards me...and now she's gone...
and her partner's all alone...normally at meal times, they'd circle around each other, bumping their heads's so lost...he'd be trying to find her and searching the whole tank but she wont be there...

07 September 2005 1210 hours
  ~I'll always love you~

in total, i've lost 8 fishes now...
i love all my fishes, no matter how long they've been with me!!!

i've still got 14 fishes swimming around in 2 tanks X333 love them all so much!!!
in my 120L tank i've got 2 Ryukins (that also has fantails, so mixed breeds ^^") and 2 blackmores, and my red fantail (the male one) <---all fishes in this tank are fantails, or have 2 large fan like tails ^^v

and in the little tank (60L) i have all single tailed fishes X333 ie normal, average goldfishes ^^v
i have 3 red ones, 1 yellow one, one ryukin (mixed breed again, i fink ^^"), 2 coloured mix breeds, and 2 red and white mixed breeds XDDD
my ryukin's the largest one, and the 2 coloured ones are the smallest so far...but they're all growing so fast X333

i've been raising fishes for a little over a month now ^///^v hehhehe and they're at least double their original size now ^^"
yup....feeding too much ^^" (which killed 2 of my fishes: 金金 & 烟指 both of which i suspect was also pregnant) but other than them 2 dying, i've not had any problems wif feeds...except for the water ^^" but constant changing of water (like one bucket per day) helped keep the tank clear and clean ^^v
i love my fishes!!!
hope they live long and happily ^^d
and may the fishes who have passed away rest in peace!!!

sorry for dragging anyone who reads this into my depressed state, i want to express how i'm feeling in words, or else i cant get ova it and will get even more upset (cant function normally if i dont have a well mental state ne?)
now i'm feeling much betta...i've been upset, but i've still got my fantails and goldfishes keeping me company and soothing my broken heart Y.Y love them so much!!! X333

sorry for upsetting anyone who read this entry, gomen nasai!!!!

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