Well I thought I would update because I really don't have alot of other stuff to do I need to take a shower because me and Shawn are going shopping tomar! YAY!..I want a few new shirts before school starts back anyways today hasen't been to exciting Shawn's at work .. My girls well they are having fun together I would be with them.. But I couldn't be because me and Shawn are leaving early in the morning and Tiffani's mom is not gonna let her come pick me up all the way in freakin BFE!! It sucks living up here! ugh*But I hope they have a great time I miss them all.. Well Things with Basketball they really suck maybe we might win one game this season but who knows we are all just really young will get better in the future! I hope everyone had a great New Years !!! I really didn't do nothing I was stuck at home!*..And Shawn was at work!But o well*nothing new*..I miss him!..I know he misses me too.I talked to him about an hour ago they were busy so we didn't talk long but it's okay I reckon I will get to see him tomar morning and spend the day and most of the night w/ him! Shew next week should be fun haha.. we have a game against Wise monday! at home*WOW we are gonna get killed! I get to see Tiffani! then!*i guess and maybe i could get sable and tiffany down there somehow!.. Shawn's gotta work but hey I get to see him the rest of the week so I'll be just fine!..I'm kinda excitied about school starting back so I will have somthin to do while I'm bored haha..& while Shawn's at work.I wounder if we will have any new people when we go back because you know people swich schools in stuff .. after the first symester! But who knows I guess I'll find out Thursday or whenever we go back to school!-Um me and Shawn are great as usuall.And I really don't have much more to say.. so Im gone! bye love yawll!
Lauren Elizabeth Howard
David Shawn Head
I love you so much babe! 1 year and 5 months comin up!*:)
Gals-I Love and miss yall!..Tiffani,Tiffany&Sable
Hope everyone had a GREAT New Years!
Lauren xoxo