- Вы немец?
- Увы!
- Почему увы?
- Потому что мне не приносят вторoй порции кофе.
А настоящий кофе дают по первому требованию
только тем, у кого чужой паспорт...
- В каком вы звании?
- Я дипломат, советник 3-го управления МИДа.
- Значит, это вас все проклинают...Этот ролик я готовила для другой темы, где тоже играли роль дипломаты в создании
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Arthur Hays Sulzberger (* 12. September 1891 in New York City; † 11. Dezember 1968 ebenda) war in der Zeit von 1935 bis 1957 Herausgeber der New York Times. 1950 wurde er in die American Academy of Arts and Sciences gewählt.
Sein Schwiegervater, Adolph Ochs, war der frühere Times Verleger. Sein Sohn, Arthur Ochs Sulzberger, wurde sein Nachfolger (ab 1963).
Zwischen 1961 und 1963 leitete sein Schwiegersohn Orvil E. Dryfoos, der 1963 an einem Herzinfarkt starb, den Verlag.
Nach Sulzberger sind in der Antarktis das Sulzberger-Schelfeis und die Sulzberger Bay sowie mittelbar das Sulzberger-Becken benannt.
Sulzberger's parents were Cyrus Leopold Sulzberger, a cotton-goods merchant, and Rachel Peixotto Hays. They came from old Jewish families, Ashkenazi and Sephardic, respectively.[1] His great-great-grandfather, Benjamin Seixas,[2] brother of the famous rabbi and American Revolutionary Gershom Mendes Seixas of Congregation Shearith Israel, was one of the founders of the New York Stock Exchange. His great-grandfather, Dr. Daniel Levy Maduro Peixotto,[3] was a prominent physician, director of Columbia University's Medical College and a member of the Philolexian Society. His great granduncle was Jacob Hays, the High Constable of New York from 1801 to 1850.[4]
Sulzberger graduated from the Horace Mann School in 1909 and graduated from Columbia College in 1913, and married Iphigene Bertha Ochs in 1917. In 1918 he began working at the Times, and became publisher when his father-in-law, Adolph Ochs, the previous Times publisher, died in 1935. In 1929, he founded Columbia's original Jewish Advisory Board and served on the board of what became Columbia-Barnard Hillel for many years. He served as a University trustee from 1944 to 1959 and is honored with a floor at the journalism school. He also served as a trustee of the Rockefeller Foundation from 1939 to 1957. He was elected a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 1950.[5] In 1954, Sulzberger received The Hundred Year Association of New York's Gold Medal Award "in recognition of outstanding contributions to the City of New York."
In 1956 Sulzberger received the Elijah Parish Lovejoy Award as well as an honorary Doctor of Laws degree from Colby College.
In 1961, he was succeeded as publisher first by son-in-law Orvil Dryfoos, then, two years later in 1963, by his son Arthur Ochs "Punch" Sulzberger.
Sulzberger broadened the Times’ use of background reporting, pictures, and feature articles, and expanded its sections. He supervised the development of facsimile transmission for photographs and built the Times radio station, WQXR, into a leading vehicle for news and music. Under Sulzberger the Times began to publish editions in Paris and Los Angeles with remote-control typesetting machines.
He once stated "...I certainly do not advocate that the mind should be so open that the brains fall out".[6] Sulzberger is also credited with the quote: "We journalists tell the public which way the cat is jumping. The public will take care of the cat."
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