Title: Two Capes, Three Masks and A Drama Queen
Fandom: Star Trek (Can be read as TOS or Reboot)
Pairings: Kirk/Spock, Sulu/Chekov, Scotty/Enterprise, McCoy/Grumpy and Uhura/Awesome
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Don't own 'em, just love 'em
Warnings: CRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK and then some more crack, fluff, AU, Star Trek/DC/Marvel Superheroes crossover
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Comments 10
It is absolutely the craziest thing I have ever written!
And why do I find the image of Incredible Bones attractive?
I'm glad you like it though - I did teeter on the side of I-will-never-show-it-to-anyone for awhile! In the end though, Kirk refused to be left in the dark - the world just HAD to see how sexy he looked in his spandex ;)
And you find the image of the Incredible Bones so damn attractive because of his sexy green chest and his inability to do anything more than grunt. Basically he's the manly man we all crave sometimes - like naughty, chocolately chocolate.
That's it - the Incredible Bones is naughty, chocolately chocolate. That is all.
Crazy Jim looking for good times is always awesome.
But this fic was TOTALLY AND EPICALLY AWESOME. Like holy crap. I couldn't stop laughing. My fave part?: “Alright people, this is the sharp end. In that tree waits a possibly fearsome creature that may or may not cost Chekov his life.” I nearly choked I was laughing so hard!!!
Excellent job!! :D
And poor Chekov! I couldn't resist that bit, poor little Russian thing that he is. Still, it's okay - Sulu will be there to sooth the captain's more uncaring comments ;)
I'm SO glad you enjoyed the fic - I've been getting positive feedback so I think I can call it a success :)
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