Nov 14, 2002 22:10
Hi,everybody...Looks like I updated my blog some centuries ago.I am just too tired,enjoying an awful mood (not even my firends are solving this now),I have lots of things to do to college,I have no idea when I will have my car fixed and back,I hate take bus,and study and work so far away from my home.
I feel like I could sleep for the next hm....5 centuries?Maybe after I watch new Harry Potter movie.I know I promise I would not write the word "sleepy" again.But the fact is:I am not sleepy.Just down,really down.Nothing makes me laugh,or happy,right now.Two of my best friends made a giant favor for me this morning,they posed to my photoshoot session,and not even them made me feel less depressed.I am sure the pics will suck,I wasn't exactly feeling inspired or creative.I had a gorgeous History of Art's class,and even the teacher asked me if i was fine because I was looking pretty sad.I could not go to work -0 the idea of hear anybody's problems today made me cry.I slept all afternoon and,when I woke up I feel as I had just closed my eyes.I tried write some lines to my rpg and I sat at the pc and stare to this for 25 minutes before gave up.I did a little more on my Ultimate Beast manip (not really much) and I became dissapointed because my Ultimate Jean grey didn't get the front page.Silly from my part - I thought the manip was SO COOL - but looks like it wasn't cool enough.Oh well.
Kisses to my friends...I will sleep now - it's the netter thing I have to do.