Oh Thank God it's over!

Jan 01, 2009 01:24

So, 2008 is done with. Happy New Year, everyone! 2009, I have high hopes for you!

In one year:

I lost my Mom.
I lost one of the family dogs.
My favorite priest from when I was a kid died.
Whispers went around at work of the evil word 'layoffs'.
And my car and computer between them have attempted to drive me into bankruptcy.

The last two points make it an annoying year. The first point makes it the worst year of my life to date. Now it's done with, over, never to be visited again except when I feel like moping. I have high hopes for this year. I think I could even manage a potential lay off, so long as all members of the family stay with us.

In this year, my resolutions are to:
1) Visit the gym at least twice a week. Making an exception for this week only since it's only three days.
2) Make a journal entry once a week.
3) Take my computer to a professional to fix it so I can stop using the slow family comp downstairs. The one that doesn't know what it's like to load a web page in under a minute.
4) Either get the Infiniti fixed, or write it off and find a new car.

I wish everyone a wonderful New Year, please start it off with this day free of work. Yay! I've had off all week, so far. Had so much fun last week saying 'see you next year' to everyone. :) Ain't I a stinker?

resolutions, holiday, maunder

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