The first:
Strange things that you don't expect to see at work
It's just the one... but... seriously, it was too wierd. At work, we have one office in a big old building, lots of companies have offices. Pretty normal in this state. No restroom in our office, we have to run down the hall for it. Pain in the butt, really. So... walk past the water fountain in the restroom corridor, and pause and stare, because there's a bag of 'Gourmet Snow Peas' sitting on the water fountain. It would not look out of place sitting in my grocery store, what's it doing in an office building. Unless someone has a kitchen in which to cook the nummy goodnesses that is veggies. No, wait, it's snow peas. They're only good in Chinese food! Snow peas! At work! Gourmet snow peas! What in the world is this world up to?
The second:
You know your car has high mileage when....
You can laugh at your odometer, thank god you're stuck in a traffic jam, and take
this picture. It's like a third of a double serving of evil! I have never seen a car's odometer read straight numbers all the way across! It's screwy. Just so you know, it's much higher now. The photo is two months old.
The third:
My roses! ~wail of despair~
This year we're having a serious fungus problem in the yard. It's nasty. It's putting black spot all over my poor beautiful rose bushes! My darlings are dying, no matter how much fungicide I hit them with! Dad says there's a solution he can treat the area with to seriously put a hamper on the molds, fungi, and mildews bedeviling my poor babies, but it'll make the yard smell like a sewer for awhile. Dad, that's what clothespins are for. My roses are at threat. Kill the offenders!
The fourth:
Mwah hah hah!
I have five more days of work before my vacation starts. I'll be able to sleep in. On a Monday. However, my car is causing issues, so I may just be calling Greyhound for a ticket instead of driving, if we don't manage to get the car in a shape where I'll trust her so far from her mechanics. Can't blame the car. I'd start getting iffy if I had that much mileage on me too.
Ah well, that's it for now. Oh... the icon... I have strange motives for making it. The logic for the icon is a bit off. It just occured to me I could tell the story of it, but I won't unless you ask. So, if so, ask.