The World Changes, and We With It

Feb 17, 2009 10:10

I am taking an extended leave from the Community. I've had a lot of mail about this, which is natural since I have so recently posted my intentions to not be around.

The OVC has changed over the years I've been a participant. When I first got online in 1993 we all met in IRC, in places like Parents Kitchen on StarChat Polaris. Then came disc servers and egroups and by '98 i was already involved in some of the first egroups to hit the net, places like ONE, which is now yahoo groups. I remember when the first real modern message boards were created with more functionality and in 2002 i created Smoke and Mirrors.

Back then it was all about helping people and each other. It was an all for one and one for all thing where we got and recieved support, helped people like ourselves to learn to look after themselves, to feed, to thrive, to deal with who we are.

Its all changed. Now days i hear more about politics.. who is and who is NOT a Vampire, how to police the community, who's in and who's out and who's popular and who's not. Its become every Vampire for themselves. That was never what it was about.

I miss the days when the community was simpler. When it was OK to help others and one didn't get slammed for "handing out info that makes sheep out of everyone, because they just follow blindly" it was OK to help others learn to deal with being Vampire and learn the best ways thrive. Now its almost considered wrong to want to help, and i don't understand the reasons.

I've been in the community for a long time. After a while it twists you.
I am tired of covering my ass and watching my back because what i do doens't suit someone elses politics. Im tired of people who make what i post on my blogs about them instead of about ME, and MY world, which to me is what a blog is all about.
I don't like that I've changed from being a loving, caring Den Mother to an angry person who has constant panic attacks wondering who will be the next political opponent and who is going to back stab me next because they don't like what i do, or what i write or what i say.

I need a break. Having given a good portion of more than a decade to the community I'm taking my life back for a while.
I need time to rest, regroup, rethink and ACTUALLY be with the people i love. My mate, my family, my coven.

It is my hope in time that the VC will draw back from the media obsession it is currently infatuated with.
Its my hope that eventually the desire to help each other will someday overthrow the desire to be politically correct, or politically charged in any way for that matter.

For now i'm going to rewrite my book and get it back on the market. I'm going to hang with my friends around my library in Second Life and i'm going to play with my kids in Warcraft. I'm going to heal. I'm going to grow again, and i'm going to be happy. Eventually the panic attacks will pass.

If anyone REALLY needs me or really needs help for Vampire issues my board, Smoke and Mirrors is still at: and support is offered at the Vampiric Library in Second Life at Lunitarium. Drop in for tea.

I love you all. I just won't be around much now that i'm done shutting down the majority of the accounts i have around the community.

I'll post here when my book is back on the market. I'll check around the accounts and the few places i still hold membership when i get a chance.
I wish you ALL, friend and foe alike, the very best life has to offer.

Stay Well
Stay Fed
Stay Together

Luv CG.

"After 86 years of perpetual motion, If he likes you he'll smile and say:
Its been some of it magick, a lot of it tragic But i had a good life all the way"

Jimmy Buffet
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