Oct 18, 2007 07:39
I recently opened my message board, Smoke and Mirrors up to what was previously, on my board, a group within the VC who are usually left out of most communities.
Lots of people thought I was NUTS when I started letting folks on the board who claimed to be Inheritors and Classicals, as described on Catherene Nightpoes site, Vampiric Studies.
(come on.. you've ALL seen it.. in the middle of the day when no one was watching)
I'd been aware of these groups for some time. I admit... I was curious. I have an insatiable curiosity and for me its never enough to HEAR about such people, I want to know them. I want to know why they are what they are, or say what they are.. whatever... I wanted to know what makes this group tick.
(I wanted to do some personal questioning of them as well, but thats another blog post altogether.. maybe next time)
Then it occurred to me... Lots of us have always wondered if long lived Vampires actually exist.
The problem is if they did, we sure as hell wouldn't know it, because everytime anyone comes on my board who says they are older than 80 we run their asses the hell off.
I'd been contacted over the years by a couple of Vampires who claimed older than normal life span and since I had LIKED them, finding them polite and intelligent, I decided that irregardless of their reasons to believe or say they are what they are, I wanted to get to know this remarkable group.
(I'm SO glad I did!)
I still don't know whether long lived Vampires exist. I have not physically met any of the people who claim such. What I DO know is that these people are good people. They are polite and kind and some of the most intelligent folks I know. I enjoy their company.
(and.. if they are NOT long lived Vamps.. they should be, because they frankly it would be to the credit of Vampkind)
So whether these are who they say they are, or whether they are just folks who need friends I count them among mine.
The Vampire Community , Like the Pagan Community is made up of a LOT of different folks. In the Pagan community we don't always agree on each groups philosophy, but we DO at least acknowledge, even when we disagree on our theologies, that we ARE ALL PAGAN. I don't think we have to agree with each group in the VC either. I think we're all STILL members of the Vampire Community. Even when we don't agree on what a Vampire actually IS. I believe the key to this is common courtesy. Every one of us is entitled to our own belief systems. We can debate the differences, we don't have to agree with each other to be respectful and still be friends. You don't have to fall in to anyone else's way of thinking. You're entitled to your own. It all still works as long as we give the same respect for others right to their own views, as we want for our own.
To my new board members:
I realize you'll get some harassment here and there, but I stand with the fact that Classicals and Inheritors are still part of the VC, even though not everyone will agree that you exist or are Vampires.
Don't take it personally. There is no shame in being part of the ongoing OVC argument over who is and which groups are NOT actual Vampires.
(In the VC as a whole this been elevated to an ART FORM!)
Are Psi's actually Vampires?
Are Sangs all role players?
Are Classicals and Inheritors fakes?
Do Hybrids take in Prana? Are they vampires
(and what is prana ANYWAY?)
Do spirtual Vampires qualify?
What about Therian Vampires?
Who are the Vampires?
I don't know who the REAL Vampires are. I do know who makes up the Vampire Community.
The answer is ALL OF THE ABOVE.
(I stand by the fact my board is open.)
Till the next time;
Stay warm,
Stay Fed
Luv CG