Smoke and Mirrors is holding OPEN HOUSE!

Oct 15, 2006 10:06

Ever wondered what goes on inside S&M, but didn't want to be bothered applying for membership?

This is YOUR invitation to join us during our Open House!

In January S&M will be moving to a new server when all ezboards move over to the YUKU server.

We have opened the board so that old members can drop in and backup some of the posts that are important to them, and to keep the greater community up to date on our prospective move, and the test boards we are currently working on, as alternative hosting for S&M.

Smoke and Mirrors has been an OVC and Kin Community board for 4 1/2 years. Please feel free to drop by and check out over 60 forums of material of interest to Vampires, Goths, Therians, OtherKin, and Pagans.

S&M is Politically Neutral in all OVC and Kin dealings and welcomes members from all communities to use our resources.

Drop in and check it out... a place where its never completely dark, and you never have to be alone.

Lady CG.

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