Jun 10, 2007 03:33
Well, it is now 3:33am in Lewisville Texas. (Make a wish!) and I am getting ready to leave for a week to Washington DC. We are touring the White House on Thursday at 10:00am. I've never done this, so it should be a lot of fun!!!! I'm a history buff, so that's why I think it'll be fun. ;) Umm...we are watching my high school choir sing at the Jefferson Memorial on Friday at 1:15pm...they are supposed to do a music video with Taylor Swift and they are singing with choirs from all over the country for the National Anthem Project. They did all the cool stuff AFTER I graduated. >.< Grrrr. Anyway, just letting ya'll know where I am, since I'll be a little bit inactive for about a week.
DD is down from Monday-Thursday, so I wouldn't have access to a computer anyway!!!! :D LMAO!!! That could not have come at a better time. ^^ Remember to vote for DD Idol!!!! :D
Talk to all of you in a week!!! I'll miss you!!! I'll bring back stories/pictures when I return. ^^
BYE EVERYONE!!!!!!!! Have a Grobantastical week while I'm gone!
<3 Bri