[Lesson 19]

Jan 01, 2009 19:59

So I guess Christmas happened while I was feeling under the weather... there's a whole pile of gifts in my living room. Uh... thanks? I didn't think I even knew this many people here....

Dom Santiago... actually, I didn't have a pair of these, thanks! Sweet of you to think of it ( Read more... )

sick, christmas

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Comments 61

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lady_bounty January 2 2009, 04:35:33 UTC
Ha! I figured you were either the gun, or the whiskey. Thanks, Jaina~! ...Seriously, though, you're going to have to explain this thing to me. "Blaster weapon system"? It doesn't look like any gun I'm familiar with. I gather it doesn't shoot bullets?


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lady_bounty January 2 2009, 05:15:05 UTC
Okay, blaster weapon, blaster bolts, makes sense. ...Don't know what a blaster bolt is... guess I'll find out~! So, uh, whaddaya say? You'll show me how to use it properly sometime? I mean, I get the whole "point at target, pull trigger thing", obviously, I just figure... I can't be too careful with extra-solar technology. Heh.


loyalcommando January 2 2009, 04:35:57 UTC
You're welcome. I didn't know what else to get--and I thought the holiday was nice. Kinda nice to be able to actually give stuff away, too. Been a long time... [pause] Happy New Year--apparently. That true? The timing is a little off, but very close to Sera, I think. Hard to tell.

((Would also like to point out that that last phrase made me laugh so hard... It's just like Tony in the movie! Pepper's birthday... ^_~))


[voice reply] lady_bounty January 2 2009, 05:29:43 UTC
Night vision goggles are perfect, I'm sure I'll have a reason to use them soon enough~. Heh, I dunno, Christmas is kind of hokey as holidays go, but it involves food and booze and free stuff, so it's okay by me~.

Yeah, Happy New Year to you too. It's the Western one, anyway, the Lunar one comes later. I like to celebrate twice~. ...I'm surprised nobody's setting off fireworks, people seem to get so festive in this place. Wonder if that would piss the Keepers off....

((Ha ha, not actually intentional, but totally appropriate~! Faye and Tony pre-Iron Man do have certain things in common... like being completely self-centered. Faye's never been much for giving, she's more about the getting~.))


[voice reply] loyalcommando January 2 2009, 05:56:22 UTC
[hint of laughter/amusement in his voice] Yeah, well. We didn't really have time for any holidays back home--so 'hokey' is better than none. And I think it's a good concept actually. "Good will towards Man." I'd drink to that.

There's two? Oh, I get it. Different cultures have different times set, huh? Yeah, I think the Pesangas had something like that. --You know, it doesn't really surprise me to hear you say that. Any excuse to party, right?

Good question. Wouldn't mind finding out...


[voice reply] lady_bounty January 2 2009, 06:48:27 UTC
Right, you came here from a war, didn't you? A real war, not this stupid.... [trails off into unintelligible grumblings]

"Good will towards Man", huh. [her tone is neutral; there's a slight pause, then she continues with a slightly more teasing tone] ...I'd drink to anything~. Here's to good will towards Man~!

Yeah, exactly. A lot of Asian cultures use a lunar calendar, so each year they celebrate on a different date by the Western calendar. Dunno when it is this year, since I don't know what year it is in this dimension. It's whenever the first new moon is, so uh... in a few weeks? [she laughs] That's right, any excuse to party! What I said before, about food and booze~....

...Damn, now you've got me thinking about requisitioning some~! ...Do I wanna risk the Keepers trying to kill me? [she sounds conflicted and indecisive, but also mischievous and deeply amused]


yersmalltime January 2 2009, 07:13:56 UTC
[totally innocent] You're welcome.


[voice reply] lady_bounty January 2 2009, 11:09:08 UTC
...Leon? Oh, hey, thanks~... I think. Which one was you?


Re: [voice reply] yersmalltime January 2 2009, 12:44:56 UTC
Let's just say that TMP-induced rackets or any kind of racket for that matter won't be a problem anymore.


[voice reply] lady_bounty January 2 2009, 21:08:21 UTC
[pause, then laughter]

I should've known~. ...Well thanks, hon, sweet of you to look out for my well-being~. [teasing, lightly sarcastic, very amused]


r4d3d1337h4xx0r January 2 2009, 21:54:31 UTC
Faye-Faye was right~! *giggles* Ed got something good!


[voice reply] lady_bounty January 2 2009, 22:55:29 UTC
Hey, thanks Ed~! It's, uh, actually kinda cute... in a lopsided, misshapen way.... I wonder if I can attach it to my PDA somehow....

...Something good?

((Struck passage is muttered to self, unintelligible at normal volume settings.))


Re: [voice reply] r4d3d1337h4xx0r January 3 2009, 00:29:32 UTC
Yep yep! Ed got a coat and boats and a scarf and gloves and... *insert rattled off list of everything she got with 'and' in between every single one*


[voice reply] lady_bounty January 3 2009, 02:40:47 UTC
[laughter] Hey, nice going Ed! That's a pretty good haul!


melakafray13 January 2 2009, 23:25:57 UTC
Can't see it, but I'm wavin' my hand at the sack kit.

Figured since we didn't end up havin' that drink, I'd get ya a whole buncha sack to tide you over.


lady_bounty January 2 2009, 23:33:16 UTC
...Melaka! Uh, hey, wow, thanks!

Damn, I clear almost forgot about that. Uh, well, my offer to share still stands....


melakafray13 January 2 2009, 23:42:29 UTC
Hey, you're welcome. Figured I'd try my hand at givin' good gifts this year. Glad I got 'em right.

And I'll take ya up on it. You just name the time you wanna get spun off yer ass. Hehe.


lady_bounty January 3 2009, 00:30:04 UTC
Quality liquor's pretty much always a win with me.

Uh... tomorrow night?


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