Sorry this is late, haven't had a chance to watch it until today!
Another good episode, though it wasn't as fantastic as its predecessor--but not much could top such an amazing episode like "Jughead". It's pacing seemed less crazily hectic, but still fast enough to keep my interest; it was a nice break of sorts. A bit too much Jack/Kate and a little too little Charladay would be my only complaints about it.
Jack and Kate. Ehhh, I'm still a Skater (and not even that much of one nowadays). To be honest, I'm so sick of Kate in general . . . and her whole "I've always been with you" was complete BS. Oh yes, I've always been with you--except for the time when I slept with Sawyer. Oh, did I forget to mention that? Pffff. Who knows what kind of mental damage Kate and Jack will cause for poor Aaron; neither of them are exactly good parental figures.
Benry is so sneaky. I say this like it's news, hah. I totally knew that it was him manipulating the strings behind the whole Aaron dealio. I was thrown off momentarily by Claire's mother, but in the end, I was right anyway! XD Anyone else think it's sad that Aaron's grandmother doesn't even know about him? I mean, I understand why of course, but still. Aaron would be so much better off with her.
Juliet and Sawyer. I can't say I ship them, but I'm not opposed to them getting together. They seem to compliment one another rather nicely. I especially like how Juliet doesn't get riled one bit by Sawyer's growling. She's just like "Sit, stay! Good boy." Juliet remains the best female character on the show, easily. Charlotte notwithstanding.
Charladay! Because it's not a LOST recap rant without mention of my favourite couple! I love how Daniel is so protective of her, and how he's always touching her and trying to see if she's okay. He's just so loverly! Also: I almost got my heart broken just by seeing Daniel's expression when Charlotte first wakes up and is like "who are you?" and he looks as though he might cry as he's like "It's me, it's Daniel". I was like "OMGOSH, DARLTON, DON'T YOU DARE GO THE AMNESIA ROUTE!" Still: the irony there was not lost on me. How sadly poetic would it be if Charlotte ended up being the one to forget Daniel first in the long-run, rather than him forgetting her because of his brain troubles?
Nosebleeds all around! Is it awful of me to have been comforted by the fact that Miles and Juliet also got nosebleeds? Because, I mean, we know that Darlton wouldn't kill off all three of them, and maybe this'll put more pressure to find a way to fix them! . . . or maybe I'm just in denial of an inevitable death. Either way, I still have faith that Daniel will save Charlotte. He has to. The alternative will not be accepted. Period.
Slimy lawyer is slimy. 'Nuff said.
Sun's Evil Twin. Am I the only one who gets freaked out by Sun every time she comes on? The woman is CARAZY now! I just expect her to totally snap and start shooting people. It'll be interesting to see if she actually goes through with shooting Ben. I hope not though because that seems like it'd be the point of no return for dear Sun.
And speaking of Sun . . .
JIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN!!! I totally did not even think it was him when he was rescued by Team Frenchie! But I was so so so glad to see him! It made me smile! Oh, Jin, you have been missed! Go find your wife and babeh and live happily ever after!
Team Frenchie. The Island must just love pretty men, and this is why those pretty French men (and woman) got shipwrecked there. Let this be a lesson to all sailors/frequent fliers: be ugly! ;) But really, I called the whole Rousseau thing! But it makes me wonder, how did she give birth to Alex on the Island if there's that whole pregnant women die thing? Or did that just start later? Oh, the many questions . . .
And I think that's it for now. Sort of an unenthused recap this week, sorry y'all. I also keep meaning to get on to writing some fanfiction but something always comes up to distract or interrupt me! *shakes fist at other things* Also: to those who are writing Charladay fanfiction, keep going! Spread the love and show your support for Charladay! Hopefully it'll help keep Charlotte alive! I will totally be reading through all of it when I get a chance; things have just been a bit hectic recently.