Here's the first three drabbles (all of which are over the 100 words that they should be because I'm way too verbose for drabbles, apparently, lol). I hope you all enjoy them!
Title: Wandering Warrior
Fandom: Lord of the Rings
Characters/Pairing: Boromir
Rating: G
Warnings: None.
Summary: Boromir contemplates his journey and what will come afterwards while traveling across the Plains of Rohan.
A/N: For
tinurix. Merry Christmas!
"It is in vain to say human beings ought to be satisfied with tranquility: they must have action; and they will make it if they cannot find it." - Jane Eyre, Charlotte Bronte
The fields seemed endless, stretching ahead as far as the eye could see. At night, no other creature appeared on the plains, leaving it looking as though it were a vast wasteland devoid of anything more than grass and dirt. With no birds chirping, no wind blowing, a silence fell over the Plains of Rohan that could be likened to the still peace of death.
After having just passed through the lively city of Edoras earlier that day (or perhaps it was yesterday? the time was certainly late enough to be early the next morn), Boromir found the ride proving boring. A warrior through and through, sometimes he wondered if the peace that Gondor was seeking would really be beneficial. After all, who knew what people would do once they had more time on their hands--it was likely that it would produce only mischief. But, then again, these thoughts were likely the product of his own inherent need for action.
Ever since youth, he had lived in a world of peril. Survival meant being faster, stronger than your opponent. Yet, as he grew, his own survival meant little when compared to the survival of his home, of Gondor and its people. And that is why he fought, that is why he would likely always fight: to protect Gondor, to protect that which he loved.
In any event, he could not see the end of this war. Or, at the very least, he could not envision himself surviving to the end of it. His place seemed to be in a world of war; what need for a warrior like him would a world at peace have? Although a somewhat pessimistic attitude, it did not dishearten the Captain of the White Tower, it only made him think, ponder on what was, what is, and what will come.
But he was no seer, and he could not predict what the future held for him. And so he rode on towards Imladris, one of the last havens of the Elves, keeping his singular goal of defending Gondor firmly in his sights. Once that goal was achieved, he would often tell himself, then he could worry about what came afterwards.
Title: Christmas is a Time for New Beginnings
Fandom: Legend of Zelda
Characters/Pairing: Link/Ilia
Rating: G
Warnings: None.
Summary: Ilia and Link make Christmas worthwhile for one another.
A/N: For
taure. Merry Christmas!
He was quiet. Ironically enough, this was what had first grabbed her attention about him.
It had been the first Christmas that he'd actually spent with the villagers, after having arrived earlier that year, alone. All the other children of Ordon were yelling for their parents to deliver them their presents, giggling with glee at their fortune, or crying because of their lack of it. But not him. He had merely kept to the back of the crowd, silent as ever. He didn't have any parents--not to her knowledge, anyway--and he appeared as though he could care less about all the gifts being passed around.
At her young age then, Ilia had thought that that was wrong. No one should be left out of Christmas! And he had looked so lonely, so sad as he stood by the riverbank.
She turned to her Papa, the Mayor of the town, and tugged on his hand. "What is it, Ilia?" he replied. She tugged harder, and he leaned down to hear her whispered plea. The man could only smile and give a nod at his daughter's thoughtfulness.
Ilia ran back to her house, searched for something suitable, and then returned to where everyone had gathered. Excited and out-of-breath, she had looked for the lonely boy only to find that he was gone. Disheartened, but still very much determined, she asked her father if he'd seen where little Link had gone.
The Mayor pointed to the entrance, and consequent exit, of their village. Her eyes followed his finger until they came to rest upon Link who seemed to be retreating back the way he'd come. Ilia had had to hurry to catch him before he left.
"Link!" she'd cried.
He'd stopped, turned, and looked surprised that anyone had noticed him, let alone that they'd spoken to him.
"Are you leaving? So soon?"
He nodded.
"Oh." Her disappointment was palpable. But it didn't last long. "Before you go, I wanted to give you something. A present."
Link's eyes widened, his surprise magnifying by tenfold as she placed the present in his hands.
"It's not much, but . . . well, I hope you like it." Ilia blushed, feeling embarrassed. What if he didn't like it? Worse: what if he hated it? She bit her bottom lip and waited for his response.
The young boy unwrapped the gift, his eyes lighting up with something that could have been akin to pure pleasure. The gift was a fishing rod, a nice one at that. Ilia had been planning on using it herself, but she thought that it would be better to pass it along to someone who really needed it, in more ways than one.
"Thank you," he had said. They were the first words he'd ever directly said to her, and she had smiled at the sheer sincerity in them.
Now, Christmas had come around again, but both the boy and the girl had grown up. While the festivities continued to go on in the Mayor's house, Ilia and Link had retreated to a quiet spot near the riverbank to share privately in each other's company, which neither seemed able to get enough of in the days since Link had saved all of Hyrule.
He was quiet, just as he always was, but Ilia understood why. It wasn't because of a lack of things to say, but because he meant every word he did say. There was never any fluff, never any lies, only the truth as he saw and felt it. And sometimes, his silence meant more than words, anyway.
He touched her hand, whispered a quiet, "I love you, Ilia," and she felt as though that was simply the best Christmas gift that she could have ever received.
Title: On Life, Death, and the In-Between
Fandom: Mass Effect
Characters/Pairing: Shenko
Rating: PG
Warnings: None.
Summary: Kaidan and Shepard before Ilos.
A/N: For
paigederosa. Merry Christmas!
Death was sort of funny. One spent their whole life dreading it, avoiding it only to realize at the end of all things that it gave everything up until that point meaning. Without death, what was life if not just an endless amount of time doing an endless amount of things? Without a conclusion to a story, what good was the prologue, or any of the chapters? For Life to have purpose, Death had to be there to threaten it.
What was even funnier about it was that one only ever realized this life-changing fact when they neared death. Upon thinking about it, Shepard believed that Kaidan had reached this knowledge before she had. But maybe it was better that way.
"You make me feel . . . human," he said.
Human. By definition, a human was an organism that was born, lived, and then died. Yet, the connotation that was attached was something positive. Why? Because being human meant living a life worthwhile, doing more than just surviving; it meant having a purpose for existence, and fulfilling that purpose whatever it was.
Right now, Shepard wondered if that purpose was to save the Galaxy or . . . or if it was simply to love the man who stood before her, telling her that she "made him feel human". If she had a choice, as to whether it was the former or latter, she had no doubts as to the one she would choose to be remembered for.
"Kaiden, you make me feel like I could take on the universe," she replied with a half-smile. "And right now, I kind of have to."
Come what may, Shepard didn't want to have any regrets before she died.
And so she kissed him, to make sure she wouldn't.
I might be able to get the two Dan/Charlotte fic drabbles done today as well! :)