Lost 4x12

May 17, 2008 12:15

OMGGGGGGG...LOST! I freaking LOVE YOU. Seriously, you scare me but I like it. *shifty eyes*

AMAGAWD!!! Okayokayokay...*takes a deep breath* I will try to keep this organized this time! And I'll save my very favourite part for the end (which, I'm already pretty sure you all can guess what that is).

Oceanic Six: The lying Oceanic Six are liars! But. I understand the necessity of why they are being forced to lie...Pretty sure it's to protect their friends who are still on the island because I say that they are still alive on the island and don't try and tell me different! When they first came home though, omg. I was sniffling. It was SO SAD. For some reason, it felt like the end of LOST...or, dare I be cliche, the beginning of the end. I even felt a little bad for Kate who was like *is alone*

The Orchid: It's a greenhouse...OF DOOM! I made a little joke about how it looked like the Temple of Doom but I think that was just me being an Indiana fangirl. I honestly don't remember what the Temple of Doom even looks like. XD But, more to the point (I have a point?), Daniel seemed thoroughly concerned about it which makes me thoroughly concerned. I've never seen him look so intense about something before so there you go.

Sun PWNS Daddy: IN YO FACE! You just got OWNED. Literally! Your company...it's now owned by Sun, too! Great scene, this one. Hehe.

OMGWTFEXPLOSIONSNOO! I was flipping out here, yes I was. And when Jin told Sun to go on deck and then there was the montage music that always foreshadows doom, I was FREAKING OUT. I swear, I thought they were going to have it explode and I was like "SAVE DESMOND AND HIS BLUE SHIRT!!!" and also "JIIIIIIIIN!" And...no one likes Michael (I certainly don't) so I didn't care if he ate it.

Jack is a douche: Still! Pardon the language, but he totally is. I mean, he just goes and tells the lady "Oh yeah, we'll speak" and she's like "Is that good with everyone--?" "WE'll, SPEAK!!!!!!!!!" And I'm like "Ooookay, Jack, you're not on the island anymore...Why do you think you're still in charge?" Also, let's go be an idiot after we had surgery and pursue killers in the jungle! Poor Juliet, she really loves him too! And LOL at Sawyer being heroic again by going with Jack.

Benry rocks my socks! He had more great one-liners this episode! Including "I wasn't being entirely truthful" LOL and we can't forget "Because, John, I always have a plan." DUH! Oh, Benry.

And last, but certainly not least... *drumroll*

CHARLADAY IS LOVE!!!!! DID YOU SEE THEM ON THE BEACH?!?! I MEAN, COME ON! This is how it went down: Charlotte was all *is worried about Daniel being selfless* and Daniel was all *is being selfless and waving back at Charlotte so she doesn't worry* and it was just all around love. Seriously. How can you not love these two? They are ADORABLE! And Daniel was selfless (I believe I mentioned this but I feel the need to say it again), ferrying people over and then going back to get more even though he knows the dire need to get off the island! I just get the horrible feeling that he's going to get stuck on it...But I think I'm okay with that if Charlotte's stuck with him. And you may take that comment as you like. *shifty eyes*

So, I think that about covers that. I'm sure there's more but my brain is like ksjgkdjaskjgkejkg right now so yeah. XD I can't believe we have to wait TWO WEEKS though for the next eps. *sigh* Oh well, beggars can't be choosers...and I'm certainly on my knees begging for LOST!

lost, rebecca mader, daniel faraday, jeremy davies, daniel/charlotte, charlotte lewis

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