May 30, 2010 00:38
On Thursday night I had set up my cellphone to 6:45 AM so that I could head to work early. Instead, my cellphone got an incoming call from my older sister, Les. At 6:08 in the morning. I'm still surprised that I was able to even answer, thinking that maybe it was an emergency despite heavy grogginess. Here's what happened:
Me: [sleepily] Hello? *no response* Hello?
Voice: It's me.
Me: .....
Voice: It's [Boo (my nephew)].
Me: Why are you calling me?
Boo: I had a bad dream.
Me: Boo go to Titi Amy's room or to mama's room.
Boo: But I am in mama's room.
Me: *repeats previous command*
Les: *took her cellphone back* Sorry about that! ^^;
Me: ..... *hangs up and goes back to sleep*
Even when my cellphone rang at 6:45 in alarm mode, I kept hitting the snooze button over and over and over again until after eight. I don't know how the hell my nephew got to my number. It's a mystery to me. DX
Worked again on Saturday for the Memorial weekend. But I had to drop off mum and my older sis to the airport because they were flying to New York.
Anywho the first 4-5 hours were a little busy, which is why we had 3 cashiers at the gift shop and I was one of the three. At least the rush made those first 4-5 hours fly by, but after 3 in the afternoon, things started to slow down a bit.
It was a surprisingly good day because a couple wanted to explore the aviation attraction the day before but it was less than 2 hours before closing time, so I gave them some details about the schedule and so on. They were very understanding and didn't make a fuss on/at me. They are the kind of customers that I like. :D
My 2nd oler sis and I splitted the money our sister gave us to look after the Boo for the weekend. I went to Best Buy and bought 2 CDs to replace the ones that were stolen a few years ago for less than $20. =)
I'll be Boo-sitting on my Sunday off. Ah well, at least I'll get him to help me wash mum's car. So yeah, it's getting late and I think I should get to bed soon.
G'night, ladies!
ungodly hours,
real life,
obscene hour rambling,