MCR/The Hot Lies yo

Dec 19, 2005 14:33

So, just so this is all clear. YES I have pictures, and YES I have videos.
I am, however not posting untagged pics on the net for the world to see, thus my lovely writing on them. and Im not posting my videos online at all. I smuggled in my camera, nearly breaking it and damn if im just gonna let people use my shit left right and centre. so here's the deal, if i know and love you and you ask nicely,you might get a copy of the videos, and untagged pics.
anyways, on to the shit people actually care about....

so, I left janets a lot earlier on the day of MCR, I was just bored so I left. I stopped at westfield on the way to the train station though and spent ages fucking around there lookig at stuff, then when I finally get to the train station I discover I have to wait 20 freakin minutes for the next train.
Anyways, I got into centeral, and pretty much started frakin out cos I had no fucking idea where I was going.
Pretty much I got lost trying to find the toilets I lef me piece of floor from green day in [i kinda hoped it might still be there lol] and when out totally the wrong enterance I ended up calling pete, and he had to direct me to the right bus stop and tell me what bus number and all. I got to the bus stop and saw some other kids who were clearly headed for mcr [follow the train of kids wearing black and obscure band shirts lmao] so that was good, cos it ment i could jsut get of whenever they did lol.
So Finally got to unsw, at about 3-ish and I looked around an bit but i couldnt see anyone i knew so I called jess, and she got up and met me, and it was exciting. and she was like Panic! and I was like I know! [cos I made a panic! shirt for the occasion, it totlally won the "most obscure band shirt" comp lmao. Only got reconginesed like ONCE appart from by jess and loz]
So anyways we hung out for a few hours, walked to the convienence store a lot. i swear its the greated thing EVER. like a giant vendo. I got pics lol. yeah... we watched through the window for like 10 seconds while they did soundcheck, but that got real boring real fast, and it went FOREVER. so we didnt really do much but it was fun anyways, untill everyone had to stand around for about and hour anyhow.
so eventually they let us in, and it was INSANE. like the pushing and shit was so extreme, we were rightat the front, and they pretty much HAD to let us in cos we were getting crushged so bad. I wasnt able to cloakj my bag, or get my wrist thing to drink or anything, so I was freakin' out. we were right at the front, but loz had been at the back of the line somewhere, so I pushed out of the mosh, swearing and kicking the whole way [i was like "move it or lose it kids, the sonner i get out the sooner you casn get in" apparently this bunch of girls spent like 5 mins bitching about me after i left lmao]
so I went upstairs to try and find loz [detouring to get a wristband] and it turns out that her brother who she brough aong was underage, so we werent gonna be upstairs anyways. I was somewhat pissed, as i'd given up a really good spot in the pitt.
But i drank by myself anyways. pretty much by the time the hot loes came on i was trashed. and lying on the floor babbling and telling people not to step on me lmao. the hot lies came on and omg they werre SO GOOD [and pretty easy on the eyes too lmao]im SO seeing them when they play at the cambo.
anyhew, rocked to them. made fun of the girl wearing the emo <3 shirt [yes, it said love like <3. im for reals here people. and it was IRON ON. psh, stencil bitch!] and then i strated to feel sick, maybe it was the drinking on a pretty much empty stomache thing, who knows. so I sat down against the wall till then end of their set.
Between the hot les and mcr i went to get another drink. its the bec way. ant it totally made me feel better lmao. PLUS I saw a totally hot guy upstairs. I'd go him any day mmmmm.
so, skulled the drink, went back downstairs, MCR came out.
it was all every exciting, they were SO MUCH better then they were at green day, the crowd got into it more too, which was awsome. PLUS they played all they good shit, like to the end and you know what they do to guys like us in prison <3
I got some alright pics of them, but most turned out fairly shithouse, which was disapointing :(. Gerard is [and i seriosuly want to slap myself for addmitting this] WAY hotter in person. like really i've seen him in sigs, and been all "wtf? ewww much" but he actually looked pretty damn good, as did the other guys. especially frank. he too looks much hotter all slightly sweaty and minus the gross makeup thing. so yeah, i have to admit that I spent far too mcuh time making faces at, and kicking the people in front of my who were making out. I kicked the chick pretty damn hard, and I think her boy knew it was me lmao. but god, you;d think after the first kick of 2 they'd realise that someone was doing it cos they were overloading on the PDAs, but no, apparently not.
anyways, the real fun happned after the show anyways, I called jess and met up the the girls again,a ndwe went round the back to wait for band members to emerge, after a while frank came out and siged some stuff, but we couldnt get close enough to him to get anything signed, which sucked. and was mainly due the the stupid sluts in front of us. a fact I pointedout to the by saying VERY loudy "its really very selfish of the people who already ahve stuff signed by a bandmem,ber to stand in the way of people who havent got ANYTHING signed in the hope of getting it siged a second time" they gave me the nastiest looks and left lmao. no one else came out though, apparently they went out some other way, so the security people were all like "go home" and im like "this IS my home. im homeless" and he;s like goooo and im like can you arrest us and he's all no, and im all sweetnmess im staying right here then thanks and he was all but i can call the cops and they CAN arrest you get up, so I did and jess is all no! sit! so i sat back down in my still slightly drunk way. eventually we left, me arguing with the security people the whole way. at leat I wont be forgotten though.
so we left, and on the way to the girl's hotel we stopped at a servo, and who did we see but the hot lies in their lil van? andim like someone come out and talk to them with me, and no one would but i talked someone into it in the end, so we stood around talking to them for like 10 minutes, they were so trashed. like more then me lmao. and they signed my ticket and we jsut talked about random shit, like whether work or polaris is the best song on furures [CLEALRLY its drugs or me people] and how since u been gone is an awsome song [which he then sung to demonstrate]and how EVERYONE is on myspace these days, and then the cops pulled up at the fillling up thingy next to them and they freakied out slightly. I have a feeling there may have been bit of illegal stuff going on in the back of the van. so yeah, then they left for their 10 hours drive, and I was all "i'll be seeing you at the cambo!" and they were liek sweeet
so we went back to the hotel, and I realised that I had no way of getting back to janets cos there are no trains that tiem of night, so I stayed there and we talked for a while, then went to sleep and woke up and all. and I had a shower and put my dirty assed clothes back on [these jeans hadn't been cleaned since pre-green day, and i'd been in everything else for over 24 hours too] it was nasty, lol. so we walked to the bus stop, and got a bus back to centeral, were we parted ways, cos I had to go back to janets to get my shit, and evryone else was headed home. I was gonna meet jess again at hornsby at like 2.30 cos she was going down to the valley for the weekend, but thwn I got to janets I coudlnt find the key that she hid, and when I DID find it it wouldnt open it, so I waited there for like 2 hours, cos she didnt answer her phone, and eventually she called me back saying it was her mailbox key, and the appartment keys were in there lol.
So I didnt get to hornsby till like 3-3.30 ish. On the train there this guy gave me a green day guitar pick though! so awsome, so im kinda glad i missed my train, both the night before and that morning. he had like tre;s sticks and a setlist and everything too.
The trainride from hornsby was shit though, there werer SO MANY schoolkids, and these derro guys got inmto a fight about politics [which both of them knew fuck all about] and even though I maed up the volume, I coukld STILL hear them over MCR on my mp3 player, so I took my headphones of and told them to either take it somewhere else or shut the hell up cos no one else cared or wanted to listen to it. The rest of the train looked like they wanted to cheer lmao. so the derro guys shut up and I went back to MCR.

so, just because i'm nice and will allow people to egt right to the goodies [but you better not actually skip it :p]


The Hot Lies:

Random shizz:

me and jess waiting for mcr <3

an amusing sign.... hairdressers for humans lamo. also assorted random kids standing around...

the convienence store

my green day pick [i ended up hammering a hole though it and putting it on a leather thing so I can wear it as a necklace<3]
so yeah, yesterday me, naomi, danielle and geoff went and had lunch at the indian place in town, and then just walked around for a while. we spent like an hour in david jones lmao. and naomi said i'd done well with the hair [not just the colour, sarah cut a sidefring into it for me on sat. night] and the losing wieght and all. It was cool <333
ohhh AND I saw a boy in a hot lies shirt. and felt hardcore cos i've met them :p

Kisses <33333

PS I saw MCR on [V] whn I was babysitting on saturday night for the first time ever. I also saw the merry christmas the war is over's [the one with bert] clip. and I was like ohhh first time i've seen seen any MCR OR the used clips on TV. wootness. <3

*EDIT*  right oh. pics working. finally. Just ignore the random shit written all over them lmao. I got bored with typing
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