May 07, 2007 19:54
After some calculation, I've found that it is indeed possible to score a 5 on the AP Bio exam while getting no credit at all on the essays. =D But you need to score a perfect on the multiple choice section. -_-
So here's what score you'll get if you get a 0 on the free response (assuming that they use the conversions as they did in Howell's sample packet >.>):
AP Grade : # correct on multiple choice
5 : 120 (100%)
4 : 98-119 (81.67%-99.17%)
3 : 85-97 (70.83%-80.83%)
2 : 72-84 (60.00%-70.00%)
1 : 0-71 (0.00%-59.17%)
/edit: Yes, I'm wasting my time doing this rather than studying. -_-
Meanwhile, if you get a perfect score on the free response questions (in which case, I envy you), this is what you need to get in order to receive a particular score:
AP Grade : # correct on multiple choice
5 : 57-120 (47.50%-100%)
4 : 35-56 (29.17%-46.67%)
3 : 0-34 (0.00%-28.33%)
It's not even possible to get a 2 or a 1 with perfect free response scores.
But the average essays apparently get 5's. (That makes sense.) So if you get an average of 5 on all of the free responses:
AP Grade : # correct on multiple choice
5 : 89-120 (74.16%-100%)
4 : 66-88 (55.00%-73.33%)
3 : 54-65 (45.00%-54.17%)
2 : 40-53 (33.33%-44.17%)
1 : 0-39 (0.00%-32.50%)
Stats people are free to make magic out of those numbers and tell me what I'll likely get.