Ahoy to all ye masses. I've a treat for ye Ladies and Gents. Granted, I've ideas bouncin' about in m' pretty little head, one of them being a PotC fan fic that I've been nit-pickin' at for a few years. I shan't say more than that, but if ye fancy Jack, Hector, Elizabeth, Will, and the whole lot of pirates and good folk of Society, then this be a story well worth readin'.
Now... on to m' haunts.
Aye, ye read correctly. I'll list a few places where ye can find the wicked Lady. First, in this delightful posting, I'll make mention to the new home port, or website in modern terms, of the Pirates and Buccaneers of the Resurrection. This be m' own pirate crew I be attempting to create. Tis never easy, but if ye wish to enjoy a bit of piracy, lots of fun, be a pirate, and ye be in th' area, this is most definitely the pirate crew for ye! So, without further delay, here be th' URL for this fantastic site:
http://resurrectionpirates.webs.comA couple of events upcoming in 2011. Don't miss out if ye can attend.
What further news of th' Lady? Oh, naturally, I delight in hearin' m' dear Hector be gracing th' 4th film of the Pirates of the Caribbean series. Now, I know some are downright baffled and unsure of his new appearance. Seriously, lads an' lasses, ladies an' gents, did ye expect him t' wear th' same bleedin' attire ALL th' bleedin' time? He's right nice in his new outfit. Like a proper Gentleman says I. And a Gentleman was what he sought t' be. New sword, new pistol, new attire... new leg. Ok, so he has a wooden peg leg. Or so it seems. I, for one, bein' his Beloved... am fine with that. After all, in sickness and in health, fo' better or worse... etc, etc. No matter what m' dear Hector looks like, he's still th' Captain Barbossa whom captured m' black heart all those years ago. Many years ago. Don't dare ask how many or I'll skewer ye! I be just as handy with th' sword as he.
So, keep a weather eye upon this here journal and good treasures and piratical treats shall be tossed thy way. Tis a promise, mates!
~Lady B