Nothing I can keep to myself.

Aug 11, 2008 01:01

I find myself unwilling to keep things close to my own secret. I must say them. They penetrate deep, live deep. Secrets I'd rather keep to myself, things I'd rather no one else know, I should tell you.

Kagura. Starfire. There are times I may not have been honest with you, that I may have lied. I understand. But I want to know something, just a thing that even I am not afraid to ask: was I at least good, enough, worth it? Did I at least seem genuine to you, let you know that I cared for you, only you, because I chose it? And a thing I am scared to understand: was I so undesirable you had to leave me? Will you still remember me?

Hazuki. I love you. And I can only say it, now that you aren't here anymore. It seems fate has always decided my feelings will be nothing more than the last drops of drizzle awaiting the sun, disappearing as quickly as it arrived. You were a steady rain in my heart, and now I know nothing but the sun, usually a comfort but a burden now.

Mercury. My friend, always, and nothing ever more than that (yes, I was never fool enough to think anything more, not consciously anyway). I want to speak with you again, not tiptoe around you. I miss you.

Zuko. My brother. I wanted you dead once. I was filled with glee when you were punished that day. You never saw that, did you? I am glad. It is a memory that sickens me now, knowing I was played that way. I envy you, brother. You fell and fell, but you were only a tool temporarily for father and I, weren't you? In reality, you were strong enough to join the Avatar. I wonder if I will ever have the strength to break free from my nation.

Mai. There aren't words. But know. I am sorry.

Kadaj. Duo. You are both still fools. One of you is still here, one of you is not. But I never withhold that truth from you.

Except, that one time with you Kadaj, I did like. But I am glad you are gone. I would never tell you lest your ego swell.

Toph. Annoying little earthbender. I would be content despising you if I did not admire your skill.

Katara. The waterbender. You have captivated my brother and come close to beating me. You are the mother figure of the Avatar, my brother, and all those with you.

Perhaps that is why I hate you most of all.
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